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There was a duckling named ANGEL.

ANGEL was a weird Lil duckling.

She wanted friends so she went to a lot of ponds just to find some friends.

ANGEL went in an adventure just to find them.

She climbed, She Ran, She Flew, She fell, She Failed, She Jumped all the way to the pond.

but the stupid thing was the pond was literally next to her so she looked stupid doing all those things.

ANGEL finally got to the other side and found a duck named JIDUCK.

(this is stupid what am I doing?)

She asked the duck if they can be friends and he said yes. ANGEL was happy so she dragged the poor innocent duck with her finding more ducks.

She climbed, She Ran, She Flew, She fell, She Failed, She Jumped all the way to the next pond.

While JIDUCK crossed the little gap like a normal duck and he watched ANGEL look stupid again.

ANGEL finally got across as she found JIDUCK with another duck. ANGEL waddled her little feet to them as JIDUCK introduces the other duck he found.

(Okay I'm getting lazy to do some Bold stuff..I ain't gonna bold the names now)

Jiduck told Angel that the duck's name was Soonduck. Angel asked Soonduck if they can be friends and Soonduck said yes.

and the cycle continues as Angel drags both poor innocent ducks with her.

She climbed, She Ran, She Flew, She fell, She Failed, She Jumped all the way to the next pond.

as Jiduck and Soonduck crossed the little gap and watched Angel be stupid again.

Angel ran to the next duck she saw and They became instant friends. The next duck was JungyeDuck.

Angel dragged the 3 ducks with her as she found another duck named Jeongduck.

Jeongduck acted like a mother so Jiduck, Soonduck, Angel and Jungyeduck.

So then they went into an adventure to find more ducks and the cycle repeats with Angel looking dumb.


yourjungyeon im done. tag them ppl here.

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