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8) so to the bikes pick the cutest one and just ride around shouting ' Look, mommy, I'm doing it! ' or daddy if you wanna be kinky

9) Push your sibling in a shopping cart around the story and if people ask or you get in trouble just say ' I'm buying a sibling that doesn't take my food or leave my bedroom door open '

10) If a worker comes up to you and asks if you need help just scream ' YOUR ONE OF THEM. YOUR ONE OF THEM ' and run away

11) Get big things and just place them randomly around the store, like a fake tree or beanbag chair

12) Get a rug, Beanbag chair, lamp, and side table. Pick an empty aisle and make a little place where you can just relax... also if anyone comes in the aisle shout ' GET OFF MY LAWN ' and throw harmless plushies at them

13) Get ' %50 off! ' signs and put them everywhere

14) Put a price tag on yourself and beg for people to buy you 

15) Scream at cheese

16) hide by the meat and when someone picks one up and shout ' I HAD A WIFE AND KIDS ' 

17) go to the ATM and when money comes out of it just scream ' I WON I WON '

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