Chapter 3

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Kanto Region

Misty Kasumi Waterflower was impressed on how well her boyfriend did in the Sinnoh League. She couldn't wait to see him again and she hoped that he brought Brock with him. It had been so long since she had seen Brock and she really wanted to meet Dawn too. Misty thought, 'Maybe I can ask Daisy if I can go to Sinnoh for a bit.' She shook her head and thought, 'No way, I'm lucky she let me go to the Togepi Festival which turned out to be a trap set up by Team Rocket to get Togepi and help Colonel Hansen.' Azurill came over her trainer and looked up.

"Azu?" Azurill asked.

Misty smiled at her little baby Pokémon and explained, "Just thinking about Ash and Brock."

Misty scooped Azurill in her arms and held the Polka Dot Pokémon close to her. Azurill was nice and squishy. Misty had to admit that she missed holding something. Togepi was the first and had a special spot in her heart.

Daisy saw this from afar and knew that she had to do something. So she headed out for the Cerulean City Mall to get a new outfit for her baby sister.

Later on that day, Misty was swimming alongside of her Psyduck. With Ash's help, Psyduck learned not to be afraid of the water. Misty was helping out with the rest of the training. Daisy came back to the gym with a whole bunch of bags.

Misty perked up and asked, "What's with all of the bags, Daisy?"

Daisy answered, "Like, open them and find out!"

Misty, knowing that it wasn't her birthday, was getting curious. She opened the bags and in the first bag was a blue jacket that went with a one piece blue swimsuit. With that were dark blue shorts, light blue sandals, and a sky blue backpack.

Misty couldn't believe it. Ever since her hair grew out to a beautiful shoulder length, her cerulean eyes weren't as pretty as they usually were. But she couldn't help but wonder...

Misty asked, "Daisy, why are you giving me all of these things?"

Daisy answered, "Well, I knew that you were, like, depressed. So I knew that this could help!"

That's when she handed Misty a boat ticket to Lake Valor, Sinnoh. Misty gasped as she took it in her hand and trembled. That's when someone came into the gym. And that someone was in the form of Erika Jones, fresh from the Johto region and wearing her new outfit.

Erika asked, "You called me, Daisy?"

Daisy nodded as she introduced Misty to Erika and then vice versa. The two exchanged a handshake.

Daisy questioned, "You are, like, still training for the Johto League?"

Erika nodded and answered, "Yeah, I was hoping to train in the Sinnoh region for a bit."

Daisy asked, "Well, like, you up for going with my baby sister?"

Erika smiled as she saw Misty's surprised face and she answered, "Of course, it will be great to get to know the baby sister of the Waterflower family. Plus, Ash will love seeing her and me after all of these years."

Misty got jealous and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Erika giggled as she explained, "Fiery, just as Ash described you. You see, Misty, I'm from Pallet Town. Ash is a brother to me."

Misty questioned, "So you are the other trainer from Pallet?"

Erika answered, "Right. I started with Bulbasaur and went to the Hoenn region first before returning to my hometown. The other trainer - named Silver - started with Charmander but kept to himself as a trainer, like he did when he was a kid. Gary, as you know, started with Squirtle and went through the Kanto region first. Ash, being late for getting his Pokémon, got Pikachu. And you know the rest of the tale from there."

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