Chapter 4

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It was the day of the annual Veilstone Festival. There are a bunch of tents and rides there in the middle of town as two nine year old kids entered the square: Paul and Ranee.

Ranee gushed, "Wow, this festival sure is huge. We're going to have the best day - ever."

Paul just smiled. Recently, Paul's father had lost his job and started to abuse his wife and Paul - since Reggie had gone on his Pokémon journey. Paul had a few scrapes, scratches, and bruises. It got so bad that Paul would sneak out to Ranee's. Her parents knew but she didn't.

He commented, took her hand, "Come on, let's have some fun!"

Ranee giggled as she followed. With that; they went on rides, food stands, and the arcades. Awhile later, the two of them go to the photo booth to take some pictures. While Ranee checked out a show, Paul bought a locket especially for her. He placed their favorite picture in the locket. He smiled as he hid it.

Finally, it was almost sunset and the two kids knew that they had to go home before their parents came to find them. Paul didn't want his father finding them.

She honestly told him, "I had the best day."

Paul smiled and replied, "Me too." That's when Paul took a deep breath and got out the locket. Ranee gasped as he commented, "I bought this for you."

Ranee stated, "It's beautiful..." She looked Paul in the eyes and gushed, "Thank you!"

Paul smiled as he put on the locket. The two kids blushed, saying their goodnights. With that, he headed home, not knowing what waited him there.

When he got to his house, the door was cracked opened slightly. Paul gulped as he peeked in and saw a terrible sight. His father was in the shadows, holding a bottle in his hand. It was a liquor bottle. He came out, approaching Paul.

Paul tried to keep a poker face as he asked, "Where is Mom?"

His father drunkly admitted, "She left me." He paused as he looked at Paul coldly, "So guess who gets all of my rage?"

His father took another sip from his liquor bottle. Paul gulped, backing away from his father in fear. He ran out the door and was about to run to Ranee's house.

But he heard his father's footsteps behind him. So he quickly bolted in the opposite direction. As soon as he was about to go into the forest, Paul was jumped by his father and his Tyranitar. Tyranitar was starting to use Hyper Beam on the young nine year old. Paul braced himself, expecting the worst to come. That's when a Raichu - using Volt Tackle - saved Paul from a Hyper Beam. A man came out of the shadows, David Ketchum.

Paul's father hissed, "Who in the Distortion World are you?"

David stood strong and answered, "I am David Ketchum and I recommend that you leave that boy alone."

Paul's father hissed, his breath reeking of alcohol, "This ain't your business." He turned to Tyranitar and commanded, "Use Stone Edge!"

Tyranitar roared and threw rocks towards Raichu.

David reacted and commanded, "Dodge and use Iron Tail!"

"Rai!" Raichu said.

Raichu quickly dodged the rocks and hit Tyranitar with the Steel type move. As the battle continued, Paul ran off.

-End of Flashback-


Kanto Region

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