The end (results)

5 1 0

How is your day or night going?
(I'm always available to talk)


I have a difficult task for you.
NO ONE has been able to complete it!
So, chances of ANY of you passing this question is probably 1%.

*People start booing*

Me "by the way, you might die"

*Random grandma takes out three shotguns from her coat.*

Me: "Don't shoot! They aren't hard, I swear! Just put the guns down grandma"

*Grandma puts them down*

Me: "Kick them away from you! And get that knife out of your hair grandma, its not a bobby pin!"

*Grandma proceeds to kick the guns and knife away from her rocking chair*
Me "Let The Games Begin"

Me: "long pause, no answer. Just what i want...
This is why I do not have friends.
Just kidding, I have friends.
Maybe not a lot, but at least they make me happy".

*Someone coughs*
"cute, no one cares tho."

Me: "I know right? It's just so cute it makes you wanna eat a cupcake!! Cupcakes are delicious and-"

Girl screams
"Who CARES?!?"

Me: "okay. As I was saying,


If you think you have passed this last terribly hard question that gave us all nightmares, then you may proceed on scrolling down/to the side. If you do not believe you have passed that last question, then honestly you should stop trying at life and you should just give up. Because you're going nowhere.


And lord bless y'all.
Thank you Jesus.

IF YOU CHOSE all A's then I suggest you watch what you're doing and what you say. Because someday,if you're not careful, you're gonna get shot.

IF YOU CHOSE all B's then your wise and smart and your gonna make it far in life. Unlike some people...**COUGH. COUGH. MYSELF **

IF YOU CHOSE all C's then you're really, really brave. And your not afraid to stand up for yourself or people that matter to you. That's really good!

IF YOU CHOSE all D's then you should work on your shyness and your communication with society. It's important that you feel comfortable around someone. Don't let yourself be scared of society. Be social. YOU WON'T REGRET IT!

IF YOU CHOSE mostly E's then your probably a loner like me! Welcome to the club sister!

AND FINALLY, IF YOU CHOSE mostly all the remaining letters, then good for you!



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