That morning

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Shay walked along the deck that morning, remember yesterday when she almost fell overboard. She stood at the edge and stared at the water below. Someone was creepy behind her and stealthily grabbed Shay, holding her over the water.

Shay: HEEEELP!!!

Stephen: No one is coming.

Shay: S-Stephen?

Stephen laughed devilishly as he started to drop Shay into the water. The young woman held onto Stephen's sleeve for dear life as her life flashed before her eyes.

Stephen: Let go of me!

    Stephen started to push Shay off of him, and it was working.

Stephen: Get off (cw)!

Shay: AHHHH!!!

Ally headed towards the deck for a morning walk when she heard the sound of yelling. It was coming from the edge. She recognized it as Shay's scream and rushed to the bow of the ship. Shay was being hoisted over the edge of the Titanic by Stephen.

Ally: SHAY!!!

Shay: Ally!!! HELP ME!!!

Ally went towards them and hit Stephen on the back. It didn't hurt him much, it made him quite mad actually. Stephen pulled Shay back on the boat and shoved her towards Ally.

Stephen: You got saved this time (cw).

Shay cried on Ally's shoulder as Stephen walked past the two in anger. They could hear him shouting as he got farther away.

Ally: Are you okay?

Shay nodded and continued to cry.


Cube walked to the deck with Cado practically dragging herself forward by her side. The young brunette was annoyed that her eager friend had woke her up so early just to see the sunrise.

Cado: Do we have to watch the sun rise?

Cube: Yes. You wanted something to draw, and what better than the sun rise?

Cado: Ugh.

As they walked towards the deck a man walked past them angrily, bumping into Cube and causing her to drop all of her clay materials.

Cube: Hey!

The man turned around and snarled at Cube.

Man: Don't you hey me! I'm first class, show me some respect or I'll have you thrown off the boat. Shouldn't you two be dancing with rats in to boiler room?

Cube got angry and walked up to the man, then punched him in the face. He staggered backwards and grabbed onto the rail beside him.

Man: I will have you arrested, GUARDS!!!

Cado: Cube come on!

Cado picked up Cube's things and grabbed her friend's sleeve, yanking her away from the situation.

Man: Get back here!

The man yelled as he chased the two girls to the bow. Cado thought for a second before chucking Cube's things at the man, making him fall to the ground.

Cube: Did you really just throw my stuff?!

Cado: Shut up and let's go!

Cube looked behind her to the man who got up from the ground and started to chase him again.

Man: I'll kill you!

As the two girls arrive on the deck, Cube saw an old friend and another girl standing near the edge of the ship.

Cube: Shay!!!

Shay looked up to Cube and and went towards her.

Shay: Cube?! What happened?

Cube: We were running away from some guy that tried to kill us!

Man: Come here!!!

The man chasing Cube and Cado stopped when he saw Shay.

Man: Oh, so you know these two? Now I'm really gonna kill them. I'll kill all of you.

Cado: Wait you know this guy?

Shay: Yea, he's my fiance.

Cado: Ah seriously? Why did you say yes?

Cube: Cado! Not now.

Shay: Don't do this Stephen. You want me not them.

Stephen: No, I want all of you now.

Will they make it out alive? keep reading...

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