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    Maybe Cado shouldn't have told Shay that yet.

Cado: (Sigh) I talked to some guys, most of them I payed, and they told me that the Amell family went bankrupt after Stephen spent a bunch of money. I guess he made a deal with this guy for $10,000 if he scrambled up a few extra tickets for him and your family.

Shay: So...Stephen lied about being rich?

Cado: Yea.

Shay stumbles backwards. It wasn't the fact that Stephen was poor that bothered her, it was the fact that he would lie to people about paying them for her. It was either the most romantic thing, or the most idiotic thing.

Shay: You know what, just drop it.

Cado: Shay we can't just forget about this! You have to tell your family.

Shay: Why?! It doesn't matter!

Cado: It does matter! This guy is trying to kill Cube because Stephen made a deal with him and now he won't get his money!

Shay: Well there's nothing we can do about it.

Cado couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could Shay want to do nothing about this? Cube's life is in danger all because of her fiance's lies.

Cado: We have to do something!

Shay: You have to do something.

Cado: Listen to me!

Shay's dad: What is going on here?!

Cado turned around and faced Shay's father. He was steaming at the sight of his daughter being yelled at by some third class passanger.

Shay: Dad?

Shay's dad: Is she bothering you?

Shay: What? No-

Shay's dad: Wait, I saw you talking to that monster who killed my daughter's fiance. Are you here to kill my daughter now?

Cado: No sir!

Shay's dad: I suggest you leave right now or I'll have an officer escort you off the deck.

Cado took a last look at Shay and walked away. There was only one last person who could listen, Ally.

Ally and Roy laid in bed later than usual. Though they went to their cabin last night, they didn't sleep through the night. The thoughts of yesterday stuck with them all night. As Ally was enjoying the bit of sleep that she was going to get all day, a knock on the door woke her. She lightly got out of bed, not to disturb Roy, and walked to the door. A tired Cado stood at the door.

Ally: Hey! Where have you been?

Cado: I need to talk to you.

Ally threw on her robe and left the room. She offered to talk on the deck but Cado told her that would be a bad idea, considering Shay's father had drove off the deck. They decided to talk in the empty hallway in front of her cabin.

Ally: What's going on?

Cado told Ally everything that she had told Shay before, thankfully Ally had a different reaction.

Ally: So how do I help?

Cado: You can get Roy to talk to this guy and get him to hold off killing Cube.

Ally: Right, what's his name?

Cado: I don't know. Some other guy addressed him as Barry though.

Ally: I'll see what I can do with that.

Cado and Ally parted ways. Ally went back into her cabin and waited for her husband to wake up.

About an hour later, Roy woke up and looked to his wife, who was sitting by the window and staring off into distance. He got up from bed and walked over to Ally, putting his hands on her shoulders and kissing her cheek.

Roy: Good morning beautiful.

Ally: Hey.

Roy: What's wrong?

Ally: I need you to talk to some guy named Barry about something.

Roy: About what?

Ally explained everything to Roy and her husband instantly sprang into action. He asked around about this Barry guy and got some answers about him from some old guys playing poker, which he had to win to get his answers. Now about $2,000 short, Roy headed to Barry Silverton's cabin.

Cado1821 Shay0406 AllyIsBack

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