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     Shay, Ally, and Roy walked down to the room that Cado told them Cube was in.

Roy: It's getting late.

Ally: We should've done this earlier.

Shay: Well we needed our distraction first. Hopefully Cado can meet us down here to get Cube out.


      Cado hid in a janitorial closet from the mob that was chasing her from before. Getting chased was definitely not the plan, but at least everyone is distracted.

       It was probably about, 11:00 at night right now and the young woman still refused to move from her spot in the fear that her chasers were just outside.

Man: We've lost her Philip.

Mr. O' Brien: Well keep looking!

Man2: We've been searching for hours now!

Cop: We need to find this girl.

Mr. O' Brien: Well when you find her....shoot her dead.

Ally: Where the (cw) is Cado?

Shay: I don't know but we need to hurry up.

      Shay, Ally and Roy stood in the room where Cube was handcuffed to the pipe. Cado still had not shown, they had not known why, and they were running out of time. The distraction may not last long and Shay's parents could start to get worried.

Cube: Can't you guys find something else?

Roy: I've searched the whole room, there's nothing else.

Cube: (Cw)

    The manhunt lead up to the bow where cops and first class passengers planned out how to find Cado on a large ship like this.

Cop: She could be hiding anywhere Mr. O' Brien.

Mr. O' Brien: Well check anywhere!

Man: (Cw), look at that iceberg!

Most people turned around to face the large iceberg in the Titanic's path. It was coming closer to the ship and though some people were not worried, other were. The crew aboard instantly ran to the captain. The captain tried his best to steer the massive ship left, despite the fact that she was already too close to the iceberg.

The iceberg went by, scraping across the Titanic and throwing chunks of ice on the deck. Many ducked out of the way while others ran off the deck.

Man: We've struck an iceberg!

Mr. O' Brien: Don't worry about that! Keep searching for the girl!

Some kept searching, others ran.

Mr. O' Brien: Bunch of cowards! I'll get her myself.

     Mr. O'Brien grabbed the officer's gun from his weak hands and strolled
off the deck.

       Shay, Ally, Roy and Cube sat in silence as the iceberg hit. The room rattled and Cube banged her head against the pipe.

Cube: (Cw)!

Shay: What was that?!

Ally: I don't know.

     Roy walked out of the room to find a crewman.

Roy: Excuse me sir, what's going on?

Crewman: Nothing to worry about sir go back to your cabin.

     Roy noted that the crewman seemed worried and ran away as fast as possible. He went back to the room and sat back down next to his wife.

Ally: What's going on?

Roy: The guy said not to worry, but he seemed worried himself.

Shay: Let's Just hope that it's nothing serious and Cado will show up.

     They all sat once again in silence, oblivious to the events that would soon follow.

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