Chap. 2

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I said that I'd be posting Chap. 2 today, so I did. I hope you guys will like this!!!

Aaron: Hey Corey!! Hey Devyn!! <looks down at you>

Corey: Aaron this is Jenna. My cousin.

Aaron: Hey Jenna <Takes our hand for you to shake it>

(You) Jen:<Shakes he's hand> It's Jen.

(Aaron and You let go of hands and puts it to the side)

Aaron: ok Jen, nice to meet you. Come on in <gets out of the way for them to come in>

(We all come in)

Pov (You) Jen: In your head you think to yourself that this house is so beautiful and big, that it's bigger then your house in Canada.

Corey: So how do you like L.A. So far??

(You) Jen: it's nice, it's very hot.

(Time Pass)
(Everyone but Devyn walk into the T.V. Room and sit on the coaches, Devyn goes upstairs.)

(You) Jen: So. do you guys have any other roommates?

Corey: Yep, we got 3 more.

Aaron: Elton Sam and Colby

(You) Jen: Where are they??

Corey: Elton and Sam are at they're girlfriends house. And I don't know where Colby is.

Aaron: Colby is... in he's room sleeping I think.

Corey: Still??

(You) Jen:<looks at time on phone> it's 5:00 pm. When did you guys pick me up??

Corey: about 4:30 I think

(You) Jen: Ok.

Aaron: should we wake him??

(You) Jen: You sure we should do that??

Corey: Yea!! That's a good idea.

(We all walk upstairs for the prank)

(You) Jen: Are you still sure???

Corey: Yep.

(We all walk in Colby's room)

Colby:<turns around in he's chair>

I hope you guys liked this Chap!! I'm sorry that I put it out later then I thought. I hope you guys liked it!!!

~Kitty 💖

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