Chapter 16: Help Me!

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~Jayy's P.O.V.~

I woke up and Skye was still sleeping so I slithered out of bed without trying to wake her. Dahvie of course was still sleeping too. I looked at the clock it said it was 10 o'clock. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and Get ready. After I got out of the shower I wrapped my towel around me and Went to my suitcase to find something to wear I found my phone by my suitcase I checked it real quick.

[Six New Messages]

The first 3 were my friend Alec and one was from Joe and the other one Halie, But the last one was from Lizard. Lizard! come to think of it I Haven't seen her sense I left the hospital with Skye. I read the message.

[From: Lizard]

Help Me! Brayden has me He might kill me!

I am in the bathroom trying to escape. Don't

text back he will notice I'm at Skye and I's house

Don't tell Skye unless the moment is right but...

Brayden killed Skye's Mom. Jayy I love you, I

love Dahvie and I love Skye. tell them and don't

Bring Skye if you try to help. They will Kill her.

                               {Tuesday June 2nd at 3:47pm}

I didn't know what to do I was so Scared did they kill Lizard or is she trapped And I didn't know what to do.

~Dahvie's P.O.V.~

"Dahvie! Daaahvie!! DAHVIE!" Somebody started to whisper shout in my ear

"Go away" I mumbled

"Dahvie this is serous Brayden has Lizard and They killed Skye's mom" They said

I opened my eyes to see a panicked Jayy.

"We have to go save her" I said

"She, She might be D-dead" Jayy said

"I don't care it's worth a shot" I said

"Do you know where she is?" I asked

"At Skye's House" Jayy said

"Skye wake up" I said without thinking

"Hu w-what?" She said

"We need to" I stared to say

"We need to know where you live" Jayy said

"What? Why?" She asked

"Because We are going to drop you off" Jayy said

"WHAT! WHHY? WHATS GOING ON?" She started to panic

"Oh Skye I can't Hide a secret like this from you. Brayden has Lizard And she is at your house" Jayy said

"Oh. Oh my god." She said

"And.." Jayy said

"And what? Tell me!" She said

"Brayden Killed. Your M-Mother" He said

She broke down in tears Jayy and I both cuddled up to her and hugged her and comforted her.

"I'm lucky" She said

"What? why?" Jayy asked

"Because last night when I ran away after the concert. I saw Brayden's Friend Danny He hit me in the head with a metal pipe I wanted to just collapse right there but I had to get away I swung my cruches at him and made him fall then I stomped on his face and I tried to hop away on my cruches as fast as possible when I thought I lost him I fell onto a bench then Blacked-out" She said with every word filled with fear and horror

"Let's go. Kick some mother Fucking ass!" Jayy said.

And we ran out of the hotel and into My car

------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE-------------------------------

YAY Another Chapter done :p And this goes out to VANITYstarrSIXX

now you know what happened and you know where Lizard is!

tehe. And yes that is a photo of me I'm in the red bikini c:

Luv ya Like Food because Who doesn't like food?

You are my Fallen Star. A BOTDF Love Story <3 Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin