Chapter 18: The world stood still

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*Kay Skye's leg isn't broken anymore and it's been 2 weeks and they are on their way to Arizona(Their house) [Please read the Author's note at the end!!]*

~Jayy's P.O.V.~

"And this is Jayy's lover, Skye!" Dahvie said

"Ha. Ha. Dahvie" I said as he recorded me

"So Jayy what do you have to say to the people of youtube?" Dahvie asked

"Um, Rape me" I said plainly

"Only I can do that haha" Skye said then kissed me on the lips

"Ok we'll let them make-out goodbye youtube!!" Dahvie yelled then shut the camera off.

"Where are we?" Skye asked

"Arizona!" Dahvie yelled then pointed to the sign that said 'Welcome to Arizona!'

"Yes we're almost there" I sighed

"Where is your house?" Skye asked

"It's about ten minutes away. Why?" I said

" 'cause, I GOTTA PEE!" Skye yelped

"Haha well just wait we're almost home" I said

*Ten Minutes Later*

~Skye's P.O.V.~

"Welcome to the whore house where people get raped, smoke weed, and get antiqued!" Dahvie said saying the antiqued part louder he probably can't wait 'till I fall asleep -_-

"Okay that's great now where da fuck is your bathroom I gotta pee!" I squeeked

Jayy laughed "Down the hall last door on the left"

"Thanks" I said running down the hallway. A couple of minutes later I came back out

"Feel better?" Jayy giggled, Damn is laugh is so cute!

"Haha Lots" I said

"Okay so let me give you a tour," Jayy said "Here is the Merch room where sally does her business, and here is the living room 'slash' lighting room with all our lights for Tour and Follow me and this is the Kitchen," He said as he got a cup of water "Want anything?" I shook my head no "Okay, and thats Dahvie's room" Jayy pointed to a wooden door "And follow me upstairs This is My bedroom" He walked in after me. His room was AMAZING! It was a cozy little room with a small bed and a zebra rug and a full body mirror and a dresser and a closet with a stuffed pony in it that made me laugh he told me Dahvie got it for him one day and a big arch above the top of his bed with black roses and stuff on it. I liked his room c: "And down the hall is a guest bedroom Do you want to sleep in there or in here with me?" He asked

"I'll Sleep in there It'll give us more room" I said

"Okay, So now that we got that done We can kinda chill, We can go shopping for your new stuff tomorrow" He said

"Okay, And Jayy" I said then walked up to him I gave a hug kissed his cheek then looked into His eyes "I love you"

"I love you too Skye" Then he picked me up and ran downstairs throwing me on the couch then tickling me.

"Dahvie HELP! Jayy's Tickling me" I yelled while laughing

"What! I heard my name!" Dahvie ran into the room then saw me and Jayy then he just helped Jayy and started to tickle me too!

"Traitor!" I giggled

"Stttoooopp" I giggled

"Okay fine but you have to promisd me one thing" Jayy said

You are my Fallen Star. A BOTDF Love Story <3 Book 1Where stories live. Discover now