Voices of Truth

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"I will prove your innocence... I promise!" That's what Emma had told Mary Margaret as she headed out of the station, making her way to the Mayor's mansion. Both women had their suspicions that it was Regina who was behind all this. Emma was so convinced of this fact that she had decided the search the woman's house without a search warrant. 

Henry had given her the key to the house so she could look around while Regina was out. The blonde had started in the living room but had quickly moved on to the study. After rummaging through the many drawers of the woman's desk and coming up empty, she moved on again, searching every room in the house, every nook and every cranny until she stood in Regina's walk in closet.

The blonde would have enjoyed this under different circumstances, but now she certainly wasn't having a good time. Emma got on her knees and pulled out a drawer, rummaging through the woman's socks but coming up empty once again. The next drawer made Emma blush a little as it was filled the woman's sexy and lacy underwear. The blonde held up a pair of red panties and a black balcony bra in the other hand.

Emma hadn't noticed the front door opening and closing, nor the high heels clicking against the wooden floor as Regina made her way through the house. She had missed the muffled curses the woman had uttered under her breath as she found her house in utter chaos. Neither had she heard the soft creaking of the bedroom door opening and Regina crossing the room in quick strides, only to see her enemy holding up her intimates.

"Miss Swan!" Regina grit her teeth as she was seething with anger. "Put. That. Down." She said pointedly. 

How dare she touch my underwear so casually!

The blonde gasped and looked at the livid woman. The longer she looked at her, she could swear there was a dark, looming aura coming from the mayor in the form of dark smoke.

I will make you regret this! You will regret this you insolent woman...

She was almost convinced the woman's eyes were going to shoot lasers right through her. Before she could contemplate that even further however, Regina reached out and grabbed the woman by her hair, pulling her along out of the closet.

"Shit, Regina! Let fucking go of me." Emma complained and grabbed the woman's wrist. She had never expected her to be so strong. She groaned and whined as her hair was pulled. The brunette threw Emma on the bed and pushed her face into the mattress.

I will punish you beyond belief

"Who said you could go rummaging in my house? You made it a damn mess, Miss Swan." She said in a low voice foreign to Emma. She was honestly scared for her life by now as she was experiencing a side of Regina she would honestly associate with the Evil Queen from Henry's book.
"I'm sorry I..." Emma tried, hoping that apologising would make the woman loosen her grip and go easy on her.
"Screw your sorry. You break into my house and desecrate my underwear drawer... You should be ashamed of yourself!" Regina said and as Emma was trying to form another apology and explanation of her actions, she felt a flat hand connect to her backside mercilessly. The sound of the spank echoed off the walls followed by the blonde's outcry to the painful sting.

How do you like that!

"Ever so eloquent, Miss Swan." Regina said and did it again.
"Fuck~" The blonde cried out again and curled her fingers into the sheets, pulling them a little. It hurt so much, the way Regina spanked her, but her body betrayed her as it was burning up for the dominant woman. 

If that's what it takes...

"Oh, we can~" Regina purred and before Emma could stop her, the brunette had pulled Emma's pants down her ass and moved to lie on top of her while pinning her down. "Can't say I'll enjoy it, but I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual." The brunette said and slid her hand down the woman's body and slipped her fingers inside Emma's dripping core. Her body was not listening to her whatsoever as this was making the blonde feel so good. She moaned involuntarily and cursed a few times. The brunette smirked a little and bit the woman's neck.

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