Adventures of Tommy at the Zoo I.

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Photograpy with three little lions (Lions/b tickling, lickling)

Part 1

This is the first day of Tommy's new photographic work. He's very excited, because it's a first time, that He's working with wild animals. Tommy knows this job is very important in his carrier. This photo series will be published all over the world.
He's just got dressed in his private caravan. Tommy is wearing a leopard patterned loincloth, a skin color underwear and a pair of flip-flops. Perhaps it isn't seem too much, but the weather is nice and sunny today, so maybe He won't cold in the Tarzan kid costume. Today Tommy and his photographer Sandy are working with three cute lion puppies.
After his makeup, He's ready to takes some very special pictures with Zazo, Kyra and Toto. They are names of the three small lions. Sandy is waiting for her cutest model in front of the lions' cage. Next minute Tommy is arriving with a big smile on his face.

- Hello Tommy! I'm glad to see you again! Woah! You're very pretty, Tarzan boy! Are you ready? - She hugging and winking him.
- Hello Sandy! I'm glad too! Oh... You're very kind to me as always! He-he! Tarzan boy! It's funny! Yeah, Tarzan boy is always ready! - He's smiling and giggling.
- Look at these cute lion puppies! They're very cute, aren't they? Imagine, You're going to work with them today! It'll be fun! - She's telling cheerfully.
- Yeah... They're very cute puppies! But, aren't they dangerous? - He's asking her a little bit nervously.

Then Tommy is stretching out his hand forward the lions' cage, and one of the puppies is sniffing the boy's fingers. Shortly after, the lion puppy starts to lick Tommy's hand.

- Don't be silly Tommy! Look at her! She's Kyra here, and Kyra is a very kind little lion girl. She's absolutely harmless. The worst thing that can happen the lion puppies lick to death you inside. He-he!... Now, please take off your flip-flops! - He's telling it with big smile on her face.
- Okay! Okay! He-he! Oh, it wouldn't be good! - He's saying with laughter.

In next minute Tommy steps out from his flip-flops sandals, and He steps in to lions' cage in bare feet. Fortunately, lots of big and soft leaves are cover the floor. Tommy first steps are unsteady on the leaves. He's feeling that the leaves are wet a little bit, therefore his feet are sliding on them. But not too much later, He notices that 3 little lions comes near to him.
The 3 lion puppies are very shy. Zazo, Kyra and Toto are walking around Tommy carefully. Meanwhile Tommy is trying to caress them slowly. The boy crouches to 3 little lions. In the meantime Sandy starts to photograph from outside of the cage. Zazo and Toto begin to sniff Tommy's feet very carefully. But Kyra is much braver than her brothers and the lion puppy girl snuggle up to his leg.
Tommy is caressing the little lion girl, and He's feeling her soft fur among with his fingers. The boy is smiling and giggling, as Kyra's fur touching his leg. Besides this He's feeling that Zazo's and Toto's noses are touching his feet again and again. It's a little bit ticklish for him. Therefore Tommy is trying to move away from the sniffer noses with a little success, because Zazo and Toto are following his feet everywhere, while Kyra is climbing up into his lap. Of course Tommy is enjoying this situation.

- Hey, Tarzan boy! Turn to me! Please stand up and show me your bright smile! That's it! - She tells it him kindly.

Tommy is doing what She's asking for him. During this time Zazo and Toto are playing more with Tommy's feet. The lion puppies are watching that the boy is wiggling his toes. It seems They love Tommy's small toes. Zazo and Toto are trying to catch his toes with their paws carefully. Meanwhile Tommy is posing with Kyra in front of the camera. Apparently everyone is enjoying the photography. Especially when Zazo and Toto start to lick the boy's cute toes. Then Tommy laughes out loud.

- Wow! He-he-he! Hey boys! He-he-he! Not my toes! He-he! Boys, don't lick my toes! He-he! It's not fair! Stop it! - He's saying it with a laugh.
- Ooops! It looks like that Zazo and Toto found something really interesting toy for themself! - She's saying it with a big smile on her face.
- He-he! Ohh! Hey, Zazo and Toto... Stop it! He-he-he! My toes aren't yours boys! He-he! Don't tickle me! He-he-he! It's not fair! - He's laughing louder and dancing at the same time.
- He-he! Oh, here is the dancer Tarzan! Okay Tommy, do it! He-he-he! Laugh and dance! That's it! He-he! You're doing well! He-he-he! Don!t give up Tommy! C'mon Tarzan boy! Laugh and dance for me! Perfect! Woah! These pictures are great! He-he-he... - She's enjoying her job.

After a few minutes his dance Tommy is putting down Kyra on the floor and standing up on a lying bole. He's thinking He can feel safe on top of the bole. But it was mistake. The 3 puppies are climbing up to the bole, and following the boy. Then They begin to chase each other. Tommy is running in front and Zazo, Toto and Kyra are following the laugher Tarzan boy. This unexpected turn of events is really like Sandy. She's shooting some good pictures quickly. Some minutes later Tommy is tired, therefore He's lying down on the leaves. In the meantime Zazo, Toto and Kyra are catching him, and climbing on him.
The lion puppies are sniffing Tommy's body, for which the little tarzan is smiling. Sandy notices his waggish smile.

Adventures of Tommy ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now