Chapter Three

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Last time, you chose option THREE >> Eat with Flame.

Flower finally spoke her decision. "You," she mewed simply. She looked up to the taller tom, who appeared surprised. He smiled and padded over to the prey pile, beckoning Flower to follow him where he went with his tail.

Flower actually felt welcomed to this group by Flame, and only him. The muscular tom was friendly to her, and seemed nice enough to be a friend.

Flame stepped to the side and nodded at the pile while looking at Flower. She stepped forward and clamped a water vole in her jaw, making sure it wasn't too big. While she was hungry, she didn't want to seem too desperate.

Flower waited for Flame to lead her to a place to sit. He beckoned her over to a mossy patch against a wall of the cave but not in a smaller den. He laid down first and Flower followed suit.

Not much words were spoken as Flower took a bite, and then Flame. His bites were dainty, as though he wanted the Clan cat to eat more or as if he weren't hungry.

Flower then took another juicy bite, realizing Flame wanted her to have more of the vole. It was delicious, and for a moment Flower thought it was better than the prey from SmokeClan territory.

Memories flooded her mind as she remembered her Clan.

She hadn't forgotten, of course, but it had just lingered behind her main thoughts. The sudden flashback caught her off-guard, and she froze mid-chew. Her eyes stared at the prey mindlessly as they clouded.

Flower walked through the forest of SmokeClan territory. The trees alongside her were tall and familiar. She knew every claw-length of this place by heart.

But then it all started to fade. The trees began to crumble before her eyes. The blue sky dotted with clouds darkened to a blood-red, the clouds falling apart. Flower froze where she stood, a look of fear plastered across her face. She looked down when she heard a noise that sounded like rocks falling.

Around her paws, the grassy ground began to break apart and fall in to a nonexistent endless void. It continued until Flower was at the edge of a cliff. Voices began to crowd around her, getting louder with each heartbeat. She wanted to turn to run, but her paws were still stuck.

But then they weren't.

They could flail all over the place along with her whole body as the cliff edge also crumbled, and Flower began to fall into the endless pit of nothing.

"Flower! Flower!" Flame nudged the tranced she-cat with a huge paw. He was now standing over her, a look of worry hidden beneath his hiding expression. This was one emotion he could not hide.

Flame had somehow grown to like this she-cat in the little time she had been with the Tribe of Swirling Fog. He wanted her to get out of this trance as soon as possible.

"Get up, Flower! Cats are staring at you!" Flame hissed loudly in her ear. Flower jumped a bit in her spot, and her eyes widened. She shook her head and looked to Flame. "Sorry," she mumbled.

Flame frowned. He flicked the remaining bit of the prey over to Flower with his front paw and turned away towards the stony wall. "Go," he quietly said, barely more than a whisper.

Flower looked at him, now on her paws. "What do you mean, go? I can't swim across the lake," she asked, a faint tone of sadness in her voice. It surprised her.

Did Flame mean for her to leave and go back to her Clan? That was the only thing Flower could think of, as she came right from the memory of SmokeClan territory.

"I don't mean that!" Flame turned his head and snapped at Flower, who flinched a bit. "Go to your den! You're not to leave this cave! Especially when you plan to go back to your old home! This is your home now!"

Flower backed away. Flame flared at her, and when she stood in a place for more than a second, he'd scold her. "Go!"

Flower ran back to her cave. Her traumatized brain barely took in what had just happened. What even did happen? What was Flame so suddenly enraged about? She had no clue what it could be.

It's not my fault I'm here. She glared at Flame from the nest of crunchy leaves she laid in, wanting to tell her thoughts in every cat's ear. I never asked for this! You took me from my real home without any sort of explanation! I'll find a way out of here if it's the last thing I do.

Flower let her angry expression transform into a sad one and she slumped her head in her front paws. Who am I kidding? She asked herself as she looked to the side. She wanted to curl up and die. She could do the first part easily. So she did. I can't even convince myself.

But what did that vision mean? If it means anything, it must foretell harm...

What should Flower interpret this vision as?

One >> See it as a sign of bad times coming for her.

Two >> See it as a sign of bad times coming for SmokeClan.

Three >> Shrug it off.

Happy Holidays! I'd say Merry Christmas but I know that not everybody celebrates that holiday.
Sorry for the boring chapter! I have big plans for this in the soon future, so the wait won't be long for a good chapter.

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