Chapter Six

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Last time, you chose option One >> Be honest with Flame and tell him, "I'm not able to swim that well, and I think I'll need a few lessons."

Flower ultimately decided being honest was her best choice. It would help the Tribe and Flame trust her more, and maybe give her some more freedom. And swimming couldn't be that hard, could it? All she had to do to escape was swim across the lake and she could escape on her own, right?

"I'm not able to swim that well, and I think I'll need a few lessons," Flower simply mewed. She yawned. Flame was right about her being exhausted.

"Why not you go get some rest, and I'll talk to Mistteller," Flame replied. "If she says yes, we'll be able to start tomorrow."

"That sounds wonderful," Flower purred. "Thank you."

With that, the tortoiseshell she-cat turned and slid through the tunnel, into the cave. As she moved through the cave, she sensed the looks from the Tribe cats, refusing to make eye contact with any of them. She heard the paw steps of Flame also enter the cave, and head to Mistteller's rock.

Flower entered her nest, and started to curl, but decided to get one last look at the outside before sleeping.

Outside, a soft breeze brought in the scents of nature outside into Flower's part of the cave, and the setting sun painted the sky a fiery orange. The sunlight reflected off the beautiful rippling water of the lake. The lake where Flower would hopefully learn to swim, and then be able to escape this place.

Flower smiled and sighed, thoughts of her home filling her mind. This Tribe could never become her home. She wouldn't allow it, even if she somehow began to enjoy it here. SmokeClan would always be where her heart lay. Forever.

The she-cat returned to the ground, and curled up in her nest, attempting to get as comfortable as possible. She failed to get as comfortable as she could with a mossy nest, but she was too tired to care. It didn't take long for sleep to claim her.


Flower must not have dreamed that night, because before she knew it Flame had woken her up excitedly, prodding her side with his front paw.

"Flower! Flower, Mistteller said yes!"

Flower was still too tired to comprehend what he was saying. Who's this cat again?

Oh. Right. A pang filled her chest with thoughts of home.

Then Flower remembered why he would have been so excited. The day before, he had offered her swimming lessons, as long as the Tribe of Swirling Fog's leader approved.

She snapped completely awake and shot her head up straight. "She did?"

Flame nodded, but then his happy expression changed slightly. "Two more Tribe cats will be accompanying us, however. That was Mistteller's one condition - you must be watched closely at all times, so you don't... get any ideas."

"Oh." It was all Flower could say to the news. What more did she expect? She should be happy Mistteller was letting her outside at all. She could be loyal to the Tribe now and perhaps she could go off on her own later, and then escape. All she had to do, besides learn to swim, was build up trust with her fellow Tribemates.

No, not my Tribemates, Flower scolded herself. Just random cats I'm forced to be with for now.

"Let's go then!" Flower tried to sound as excited as possible, which wasn't to hard. She rose to her paws and followed Flame into the larger cave the Tribe lived in.

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