The Doctor x Fem! Reader

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(Y/n) huffed in exhaustion and annoyance as she ran through the maze like corridors of the institute, her lungs burning; craving the oxygen they needed. The doctor had spotted her and the others doing a generator in the centre of the building. Everyone had split up, due to the sudden appearance of him showing up. Of course he goes for (y/n) first, being the one closest to him when she began running. Luckily before he could get a swing in at her, she flopped down a pallet quickly before running on through the hall. The girl slowed down, not hearing the heartbeat anymore; she needed to catch her breath fast. It wasn't long before she heard the faint heartbeat again, this time inching much closer to her. With no other idea in her mind, she dived for the locker in hopes she wouldn't be found. 'Such a fucking stupid idea, seriously' she thought, trying to refrain her breathing a little.

A blood curdling scream was heard nearby, and the sound of electricity followed shortly after. A menacing laugh then took place, coming from none other than the doctor himself. 'That sick bastard' the girl thought to herself, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of a body being placed onto a hook, he was really close now. The girl began panicking, should she leave or stay in the locker? "Oh no.. this is it for me, I'm so dead!" She said to herself, knowing what was next. The doctor was going to open the locker until he was notified someone had escaped the hook, so he left in a hurry.
"Oh, thank god..". She pushed the locker doors open slowly, creeping out. "I knew you were hiding somewhere." A deep voice spoke coldly. "What!?" She replied, confused and terrified. "P-please! Don't hurt me, don't hurt me!". (Y/n) cowered to the floor, covering her face with her hands. "Don't hurt me...".

The doctor laughed lightly at her, to him she looked rather cute. "I would do no such thing, my dear (y/n).". He said, lowering down to her level. "W-What?" She replied rather perplexed. "You are far too cute to hurt, you have such beautiful (e/c) eyes... ". He paused to stroke her (h/l) (h/c) hair, gently."W-What are you doing?" She asked, a slight blush on her face from the contact. "I won't ever hurt you, dear.". Without another word he removed his metal bracing from his face, letting his jaw loose. Not a minute later, he pressed his cold lips onto her delicate warm ones in a passionate kiss. The girl didn't know what to do or say to this, she just fluttered her eyes closed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her face was now burning red, what was happening? He released her from himself, placing his bracing back on. "See you around, my dear (y/n)." He preceded to leave without another word. "What the Fuck just happened?" She asked no one in particular.

That's it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed my crappy work! :D Requests are only replied to on my requests open chapter! That's where you comment! Thank you everyone~

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