Michael x Laurie (FLUFF!)

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Haddonfield. Laurie Strodes only known home, of course... it was not the real haddonfield she knew and loved. No, it was a recreation made by the entity; one to crush the any remaining hope and happiness Laurie had left in her. She hated seeing her old house and street in this hell hole but nonetheless she perused onwards, trying her best to forget any memories from being there. Right now she just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible, which mean speeding on Generators and quickly doing an exit gate so she could leave.

Laurie came across a generator in one of the old houses, upstairs in an empty, sad looking room. A few silent minutes went passed of her working on the gen when she heard footsteps closing in on her, since there was no locker or anything she couldn't really do much to hide; so she hid behind the gen in hopes she wouldn't be spotted. "Laurie?" A familiar voice spoke out, belonging to Jake. "Jake!" She said, standing up and giving him a hug.  "Do you know who the killer is?" She asked, slight nervousness in her voice . Jake nodded in a 'yes'. "It's your brother." He answered, causing Laurie to sigh. "Of course it is..." She slouched against the wall, next to the gen, wanting to cry and give up. "Why does it have to be him... of all the fucking killers to pick." Jake sat next to her on the floor, patting her shoulder comfortingly. "Let's just try do all the gens as quickly as we can so we can get out of here." He said, beginning to work on the gen. Laurie nodded and began helping him. Once they were done, they tried to find another gen to work on. In the distance they heard the sound of gen go off, leaving three more to be done now.  "So Laurie, what the deal wi-" Jake was cut off by the sound of screaming, that went right through the whole area. "Laurie go! I'll work on this gen, it's alright." Jake gave her a serious look. "Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can!". She then ran to the sound of the scream, her breathing heavy and pitched. That's when she saw him...

Michael was stood on the path, he had seen her and was now staring her down. 'Fuck...' Laurie thought. On the hook next to him, was a whining Nea. Laurie didn't know what to do now, she needed to get her friend of the hook but how? Michael would surely attack her. Laurie was soon snapped out of her thoughts when Meg ran past her with a flashlight, shining the light in Michaels face making him growl in annoyance. "Take that you camping bitch!" She then grabbed Nea from the hook and the both began running away, leaving Michael very angry. Laurie was still stood there, shocked at what Meg did. Michael was one fast man, he didn't care if they were running as he knew he'd catch up to them in no time.  He was right, he soon caught up to the two of them and stabbed them both, causing them both to fall to the floor. Meg was groaning in pain on the floored, clutching her chest where she was stabbed. Michael ignored her and grabbed nea by the throat, lifting her up off the ground, raising his knife to her chest; he was going to kill her. "F-Fuck.. Y-You..." Nea muttered, struggling for breath. Her hands clutched Michaels right arm, which was armed with the large knife. "Michael!" Laurie shouted, from behind him; he turned around and saw Laurie stood there firmly. "Put her down now!" She demanded, Michael tilted his head at her; his none expressing mask looking at her sternly. While the two were having stare down, a sound of a gen was heard being completed. 'Jake' Laurie thought to herself. Michael heard it too and brought the knife into Nea's chest, causing her to cough blood and gag; Michael proceeded to drop her carelessly on to the cold floor. Meg still struggled on the floor, attempting to get up from the ground and fight. She managed to get up and spoke. "You fucking...." she paused for breath. "You fucking selfish bastard.." her words were barely even audible, cold and musty. Michael didn't care for her comment, he just turned to her and grasped her neck too. "D-Do it.." she pleaded, Laurie grabbed Michaels arm in attempt to stop him from doing it. "Michael listen to me! Stop it now!". He ignored her commands and planted the knife into the young girls chest, her mouth spluttering blood and in audible words. She was dropped to the floor without a single bit of care or mercy. Her body went completely limp, Laurie stood there in silence next to her brother. "'Michael... why..." she said, not really expecting any response.

Michael fully turned to her and saw that there were shiny tears in her eyes, that fell on to her red cheeks. Michael reached his hand out and gently brushed the tears away, lovingly. Laurie slightly blushed at his touch, Michael never really showed any love like this or any emotions at all... So, this was a shock to the blonde girl. She sniffed and nudged her head into his hand more, placing her hand on top of his so he'd keep it there. "I like this..." she stated, closing her soft green eyes. Michael complied and kept his hand there, for a good minute. "You're never usually like this Michael..." she noted, letting him take his hand away. He nodded and pointed up at the sky which was filled with darkness. "The Entity huh...". He nodded again, then pointed his knife to his chest. "It.. hurts you? It.. punishes you?". He nodded once more, looking at her. "It's so dark here... So terrifying looking, this isn't the haddonfield I knew and loved..." The girl told him, sighing. Michael reached his hand out and grabbed hers, and pulled her in to his broad chest then wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. ".... M-Michael..." Laurie said, blushing. This was a nice feeling, to be held by her brother, she had never felt that before with him.. he usually went out of his way to kill her or hurt her and others. Why was he being so gentle?
"This is very unusual for you... But, I like it...". When the two separated, and Laurie looked up at him smiling. " I have to go now Michael...". She leaned in and kissed the cheek of his mask. Before running off into the darkness of the woods, going back to see Jake.

Maybe now their relationship was some what stronger than before?  Laurie had seen a side of Michael she had never seen before, and she liked that side. He was the only family she had left, so she thought to cherish it... even if it felt wrong after all the the bad things he's done to her and others, he's still her brother. She loved him none the less. Laurie hoped to see him again, in trial or even out of trial. She was happy.
I am so sorry everyone this one most likely sucks so bad! I didn't really know how to write this one to be honest, I just sort of carried on writing things! I hope you all liked this one, and if you want a lemon or a part 2 or something then comment down below! ( I ship Michael x Laurie, sue me man). Thank you all for the support and reads! I love each and everyone of you! Peace!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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