Nurse x Male! Reader

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It was the asylum, dark and dim. (Y/n) was rummaging though a chest in hopes for a decent item to help him through this hell, a medkit or something. "A torch!? Well.. it's better than nothing." He mumbled. In the distance he heard a faint screech. 'Must be the nurse.' He though to himself. He continued on to do a generator near by the chest, bumping into Dwight. "Oh, hey Dwight.". Dwight smiled at him, but there was still nervousness plastered on his pale face. "Are you okay there?" He questioned, gently touching his arm. The other violently shook his head in a 'no', proceeding to wipe his face of the sweat forming. "No! No I'm not okay! What is this hell we are in!?" He shouted. "Were forced to repeat the same shit over and over!". (Y/n) looked at him in shock as to what he was saying, this was not the Dwight he knew. He never shouted or swore, he was over all not an aggressive person at all. "I don't know Dwight.. just calm down or we might be found out, okay?". Dwight took a deep Breath, sighed and started working on the generator in front of them with (y/n) following his actions. "So, what's the deal with all these killers anyway? Why do they even have an issue with us?". Dwight shook his head, not knowing an answer to that. "Because it's a sick twisted game they enjoy, to torture us in a never ending loop of death." A voice spoke, belonging to Jake. "Jake! I'm glad to see you." (Y/n) commented, giving him a grin. "The killer who is looking for us now, her name is Sally.". Jake continued, also helping them with the generator.

"So they all have names?" (Y/n) asked, giving him a puzzled expression. "Yes" was the reply. "Oh.. I didn't know that." The other answered back, feeling a little bit of pity for the killers for some reason. 'Does that mean they all have like backstories? A reason they are driven to kill us?' He thought. The generator soon snapped him out of his thoughts by switching on and creating a rather large sound, which was sure to give away their positions. "Everyone split up, go separate ways." Jake informed, running off into the asylum building. (Y/) turned to look for Dwight but he was gone. 'Must have run off''. As (y/n) ran aimlessly to a new destination, he felt the heartbeat pick up quickly. Before he knew it, he felt someone behind him.  Turning around he saw the nurse standing there, with her bone saw gripped tightly in her hand. "Oh fuck" (y/n) said. Running off towards he nearest pallet, so he could momentarily stun her and make a get away. As he ran he could hear her breathing close behind him, as he came across a pallet; he slammed it down quickly. This stunned her a little, causing her to let or a growl of annoyance before breaking the pallet. But while she took her time doing that, (y/n) shon the flashlight at her face, making her turn away. He then ran as fast as he could, stopping when he no longer heard the heartbeat near him.
"Thank god for that.." he breathed a sigh of relief. While he was relaxing, he felt a swift hit on his back, so he ran even faster forward; not looking back. Seeing the big building, he entered it. Not realising he had come across a dead end, he stopped and panicked. The nurse came round the corner, lifting the bonesaw for a final swing. "S-Sally!" (Y/n) shouted at her, clenching his eyes tightly shut.

Sally gently brought down her weapon, leaving it at her side. "I know... I know you were forced into doing this, Sally." He continued on, inching closer to her. He knew it was dangerous, but he had no other choice than to try and reason with the killer. "You must be suffering." Sally dropped her weapon to the floor, she didn't know what to do. No one had ever showed her any sympathy before. "It's okay, I.. Won't hate you for it.". He wrapped his arms around the smaller woman's shoulders, letting himself relax into the hug. As for Sally this was a new feeling for her, so many emotions flooded her. She didn't hesitate to return the warm hug, and she let out quite sobs. 'Is she crying?' (Y/n) thought. "It's okay." He assured her, tightening the hug. She then fell to her knees, burrowing her face into his neck. "Everything's okay.".
That's all for this one! Hope you enjoyed it everyone! I didn't really know how to write this on, but some how I managed to do it! Thank you for reading and request on the the request open chapter! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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