Chapter 2: Are you Okay?

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"BTS?!?!" Joy and I screamed at the same time.

All of a sudden, it felt like everyone had the same mindset, because I swear the entire school, except Joy and I who were still in shock, lunged forward to try and squeeze into the limo.

4 Burly and Muscly guards leaped out of the limo to fend off the hoard.

"Oh my god..." Joy's dark eyes were in shock as her hands shook.

"Is this a dream?"

I felt faint...

\(o^▽^o) /

Jungkook's POV:

At this point i'm fearing for my life as I was pressed against the back of the van, a wall of Hyung's was being formed in front of Taehyung and I.

I felt like a sardine...

I attempted to stand up, so my legs were being pressed against the seat and so I could sit on the seat.

I caught a glimpse of a girl and a boy. One with red hair and the other with (h/c).

The boy suddenly looked up, and we locked eyes for like 3 seconds, before he ripped his gaze away and grabbed his friends arm, and pulled her away.

The boy glanced back, and I noticed the faint blush on his cheeks.

I smirked to myself. "Cute..." I froze.

"Wait, what?! What am I thinking?"

I felt a pull on my arm and looked up from my lap to meet Taehyung's frantic eyes.

"C'mon! Let's go!"

I nodded and we all linked hands as to not get separated. It took like 10 minutes to get to the office but we made it.

Our bodyguards stood guard at the office doors, because apparently, the crowd was following us.

A lady, who looked to be in her early 50's grabbed some kind of microphone thing from the Secretary's desk and pressed a button.


Nobody in the office flinched, probably used to the screaming, meanwhile we were here covering our ears and hoping we didn't go deaf . The crowd groaned and some whined, but they eventually all left.

The lady who I assumed to be the principal, walked near us with her hands linked.

"Welcome boys to ours school! I see you've all gotten a warm welcome from the students here."

Jimin laughed nervously, meanwhile Jin blinked.

"What? I can't hear you?"

Suga facepalmed.

\(o^▽^o) /

(Y/N)'s POV:

I had arrived at Homeroom 10 minutes ago and was called to the principal's office 5 minutes ago.

It was hard to get through the crowd of screaming fans, but thanks to Principal Lee's vocal cords the crowd was gone in a matter of seconds. Once the secretary gave me the ok to go in I knocked on the door.

I have a bad feeling about this, if my suspicions are correct, then the bodyguards at the door belong to none other than-

"(Y/N)! Welcome!"

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