Chapter 11: BTS in America -pt.1

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Third person POV

Today's the day BTS is leaving for America. They will be making their U.S Tv debut on the AMA's. Jungkook got (Y/N) to come. Sure he would be missing school for a while, but it's not like he's failing.

This would be (Y/N)'s first time in America since he left when he was young. They would also be leaving Joy behind, but that didn't matter since it was her choice.

It turned out that ARMY accepted Jungkook's relationship with the younger male. In fact they loved it. Although Jungkook was still a bit mad at Jhope for barging into his room how he did.

Currently, BTS and (Y/N) were on their way to the airport. As usual (Y/N) was sitting on Jungkook's lap. This became a normal routine for them. They were sharing headphones listening to music.

Everyone else was on their phone doing their pun thing. Well Taehyung was texting Joy. This has been going on for a while. The others didn't know but were getting suspicious.

"I can't believe you made me come with you guys. I still have school!" (Y/N) whined to his boyfriend.

The other laughed at (Y/N)'s cuteness.

"Come on it's fine! Now we don't have to wake up so early in the morning. It's a good break for you because you are always doing school work." Jungkook responded.

"You're lucky I love you." (Y/N) mumbled while pouting.

After ten minutes, they finally arrive to the airport. There were hundreds of fans there to send them off. Once the van doors opened, the bodyguards were already waiting to escort them into the airport.

One by one the boys exited the van. Jungkook and (Y/N) were the last ones to get out. Jungkook intertwined their hands and they caught up with the others.

They went through the security checkpoint, and are now sitting and waiting to board the plane. It was finally time to board the plane.

~Time skipeu~

(Y/N)'s POV:

Finally after a 15 hour ride, we landed in America. We grabbed our belongings and got out of the plane. Once again, we were greeted by ARMY. We exited the airport and went into the van on our way to the hotel.

After 20 minuets we arrived at the hotel. We each shared a room, two to a room. Jungkook and I were sharing, Namjoon and Jin were sharing, Yoongi and Jimin were sharing, and lastly, Taehyung and Hoseok were sharing.

Everyone got their keys and went to their rooms. We decided to go to bed early, because schedules start tomorrow for the boys, but of coarse I'm coming along.

Our room has two beds with a nightstand in the center. There was a Tv in front of the beds. Jungkook and I already changed into our pj's. I was about to get into my bed, but before I could, my wrist was grabbed and I was pulled into Jungkook's bed.

"(Y/N) I want to sleep with you!" Jungkook said as he lauded down pulling me down with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I blushed as I felt his abs against my back.

I shifted my body so I was facing Jungkook. I gave him a peck on his lips, biting my face into his chest. Our legs were intertwined, looking like a mess of limbs.

"Good night Kookie. I love you." I said drifting to sleep.

"Night (Y/N). I love you more." Was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.


"(Y/N)-ah wake up." I heard a soft voice say.

I slowly opened my eyes. I smiled as I saw Jungkook's face.

"Good morning." He says softly.

"Morning Kookie." I said still a bit sleepy.

"Come on let's get ready. We're going out before our interview." He said pulling me out of bed.

We brushed our teeth, and changed. We just wore a plain black shirt, a grey hoodie, ripped black jeans, and a pair of Timberlands.

Jungkook wore a a black shirt, a grey unbuttoned one over it, ripped jeans, and a pair of white shoes.

(A/n: without the mask and bag.)

Once we were ready we headed down to the lobby to meet the others

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Once we were ready we headed down to the lobby to meet the others. Once we were down, we headed to the van. We decided just to drive around, maybe stop somewhere if we see something interesting.

We ended up stopping at the beach just to walk on the boardwalk. We got out of the van. Here the boys didn't have to wear masks to hide their identity.

We started walking and just hanging out. Once in awhile people would stare at us strangely, but we just ignored them. We would stop to take photos once in a while. I noticed a few people recognized them, but kept their distance.

We ended up walking along the shoreline. Jungkook and I had our hands intertwined, our shoes in our other hands, like one of those cheesy scenes in romance movies.

Jungkook suddenly stopped walking. I stoped next to him. He turned and looked at me, putting our shoes in the sand. His hands gripped my waist. Instinctively, i wrapped my arms around his neck.

Without saying anything, he leaned down and connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss. I heard the click of a camera. I disconnected the kiss and looked over to see Jin hyung smiling at his phone.

"Yah! Jin hyung you ruined their moment!" Hoseok whined, making the others laugh.

Jungkook and I grabbed our shoes from the sand, going to join the group looking at Jin's phone.

"Jin hyung can you send me that photo?" Jungkook asked making me blush.

"Sure thing Kookie!" He said with a smile.

We continued walking on the beach until it was time to go back to the hotel to get ready for their interview.


Ok so in case you didn't notice, this chapter is going to be in multiple parts. This time was one of my favorite moments for BTS other than the BBMAs. So I wanted to add it in.


Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! And if you happen to read this at 3am.. HO TO SLEEP! If you're not, I hope you enjoyed. ANNYEONG!!


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