Chapter 3: Cooking with Chef Jin

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(Y/N) POV:

"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked.

Thanks to the whole incident in the cafeteria, I sprained my ankle and Joy hit her head so hard she almost passed out. At least the boys helped us get to the nurses office before anything even worse happened. Currently my ankle was tied up in a bandage and Joy was sleeping on the bed next to mine.

Taehyung and Jungkook are the only ones here, the others made the brave sacrifice and went to go get our stuff.

"For the last time, I'm fine! Can you chill out!" I screamed for the umpteenth time.

"Sorry... I just feel guilty!" Jungkook whined, and without warning, threw his arms over my thighs and laid his chin on the bed.

"W-What are you doing!" I attempted to push him off, but I wasn't strong enough and resorted to blushing uncontrollably.

He didn't say anything, merely lowered his head so I couldn't see his eyes. After a while, I sighed and flicked his forehead.

"You're forgiven okay, but you better stop moping or I'll stay mad."

I swear I've never seen someone snap their head up so fast. Jungkook had a that familiar bunny smile on his face, meaning he tricked me and was not sad in the first place.

"Can you lovebirds quit flirting and get me something to eat!!"

Mina's voice snapped me out of my trance, Jungkook had it worse than I did, if the way he fell out of his chair said anything.

Taehyung laughed at Jungkook and I could only glare at Joy who only looked at me like the Cheshire Cat. With the weird creepy smile.     


Jimin's POV: (finally!)

My and the hyungs decided to risk our beautiful lives and retrieve (Y/N) and Mina's belongings from the cafeteria. If I remember correctly we have cooking class next. We wait for the bell to dismiss us to our next class so it will be safer to get (Y/N) and Joy's stuff.

After a few minutes the bell rang dismissing everyone from lunch. We hid out of site from the mob of psychos know as our fans. Once the place was clear of fangirls, we raced to get the bags. Once we grabbed them, I got a text.

Jungkook: Hyung, When you guys get Joy and (Y/N)'s bags head to the next class. We'll meet you guys there.

Jimin: ok  kookie. Are (Y/N) and Joy ok?

Jungkook: Yeah, (Y/N)'s ankle is sore and Joy's head is better. We'll see u guys there.

Jimin: Ok.

With that said, our conversation ended. I turned to the others.

"Kookie said to meet at the class so we'll just wait outside of the classroom for them." I explained. With that we headed to the classroom, camera crew following.

~Time Skip~

We don't wait that long. A minute after we got to the class, Jungkook and Taehyung arrived with (Y/N) and Joy. Once they were with us we went into the classroom

We stood in front as (Y/N) and Joy say down. We weren't told to introduce ourselves since I'm pretty sure everyone knows us. The teacher told us to sit at (Y/N)'s table.

(A/n: how they are seated:

Jungkook, (Y/N), Taehyung, Joy
Yoongi              -Table-               Jimin
Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok,

Once seated, the teacher started the class.

"Class, today is a free day, your group can cook anything of your choice." They said.

We agreed on making Jajahgmyeon. We got the ingredients. Once we assigned our tasks we started. With the camera crew it felt like we were filming a RUN episode. So far everything was going fine. That was until we heard a loud crash. Our attention turned to Namjoon hyung.

"Namjoon hyung how the hell did you manage to break a metal bowl?!" (Y/N) questioned.

"I honestly have no freakin' clue. I just picked it up I swear." Namjoon hyung said quickly.

"And you wonder why I don't let you help in the kitchen at home." I heard Jin hyung mumble making the rest of us snicker.

"(Y/N)-ah! Can you come help me with this?" I heard Jungkook ask.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as (Y/N) walked over to Jungkook.

"Yeah sure what do you need he- we'll no wonder your doing it wrong pabo! Here let me show you." (Y/N) said.

He walked behind Jungkook. (Y/N) stood behind Jungkook guiding his hands completely oblivious to the blush on Jungkook's cheeks. I heard the other chuckling quietly at the scene in front of us.

"You got it now kookie hyung?" (Y/N) asked as he backed away.

"A-ah yeah i u-understand now t-thanks (Y/N)-ah!" He stuttered.

I noticed that some fangirls were glaring at (Y/N), who completely ignored it. We continued what we were doing.

After a while we finished and sat down to eat. Unfortunately, before we could eat our table was surrounded.





Played were being shoved in our faces. Out of the corner of my eye I saw (Y/N) looking annoyed.



Let me tell you. (Y/N) looked terrifying. So much he even scared us. Because of the dark aura that was surrounding him, everyone froze. I guess this has never happened before. Everyone quickly scrambled to their tables in pure fear.

Once everyone was seated (Y/N) turned to us. His aura changed in a split second. He looked at us innocently.

"Shall we eat?" He smiled.

With that we ate and the day continued.


(A/n): OMG I FINALLY UPDATED! Are you happy now tae_suga_kookie ?!? Now don't annoy me 😂 I sorry to the other readers that this took long. But I finished soooooooo..... you're welcome!!!! Thx for reading! I'll start the next chapter. Ok bye.

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