Chapter 13: BTS in America -pt.3

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today is the day. Today BTS will be making their TV debut on the AMAs. The Ellen Show episode will be released on Monday for those who weren't there.

They were getting the outfits into the van and getting ready to head over to the stadium. Once we arrived, we were escorted to an RV type place to get ready.

Once settled, I went with BTS to their rehearsal for their performance. It was amazing. After a few more run throughs and it was Time for the award show. The boys got dressed as did I.

Once they had their makeup done and mine for some reason, we headed down to the red carpet. They looked amazing.

 It was time for the interviews

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It was time for the interviews. The boys did several interviews before we finally entered. When we walked in, the crowd went wild at the sight of BTS.

Jungkook and I had our hands intertwined. We were escorted to our seats. Close to the front. I of course sat next to Jungkook.

Some celebrities talked with BTS. At one point while waiting for the show to start ARMY started chanting.

"BTS!! BTS!! BTS!! BTS!!" They chanted.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok waved at them making them cheer louder. I saw how they had huge smiles on their faces at the reaction.

We waited a while before it started. The first performance was beautiful, then it was Demi Lovato's sorry not sorry. The camera focused on the boys as they danced in their seats and sang along.

Awards were given, and there were more amazing performances. Soon enough it was time for BTS to perform. They got up, and were escorted backstage. Before he left, I gave jungkook a reassuring smile.

We were taking a break and fans were cheering for BTS. The whole arena was excited for the next preformance. Five minutes later, the show resumed. They introduced the Chain Smokers, who gonna announce BTS.

"Making their U.S TV debut, give it up for BTS!" With that the music started and so did the fanchant.

Here comes my inner fanboy. I sang along with them, cheering with the fans. Their performance was incredible. The lights were spectacular, and the stage setup was beautiful. In fact, their outfits were amazing.

 The celebrities, and the crowd were jumping along with the song

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The celebrities, and the crowd were jumping along with the song. Whenever Jungkook sang, he would always make eye contact with me and smile. They danced, sang, and rapped with pasion. I was in tears of joy for them.

Soon enough the song was coming to a close. The 'La La La' part. Next thing you know it ended. They were panting, but they were so happy. They were waving to the crowd with huge smiles.

One by one they headed backstage. Jungkook however did something different. Jungkook walked to the end of the stage. Everyone watched in confusion.

We locked eyes.

All time stoped as he stared in my eyes.

Jungkook jumped of the stage into the audience, fangirls going crazy. At this point everyone's attention was on him. The screens of the stadium showed his every move. Once out of the crowd in front, he ran in my direction.

Next thing I know, Jungkook connected our lips in a passionate kiss. The stadium erupted with cheers and applause. But we were only focused on each other's presence. I felt even more tears of joy running down my face.

We pulled apart slowly. He brought his hand up and wiped my tears away. He smiled.

"Why are you crying? Shouldn't I be crying?" He said making me laugh.

"Shut up pabo. I'm just proud of you guys." I said.

"Aish! Just go the others are waiting for you." I said lightly shoving him towards the stage.

"Ok then. Come on we've got photos to pose for." He grabbed my hand, not giving me time to respond.

"W-WHAT?! What Jungkook I'm not apart of BTS!" I tried to protest.

He stoped halfway to the backstage area only me being visible as he was already behind the wall. At this moment I've never been so happy.

"You may not be in BTS, but you're still family. So come on now." With that we went to the others, the applause fading as we went back to the carpet for more photos.

After photos there was an interview. I tried my best to hide behind Jungkook but he would not let me so I just gave up. We eventually went back to our seats, to watch the end of the show.

Instead of going to the after party, we went back to the hotel. They did a video to thank ARMY for helping them get so far and talk about their experiences at the AMAs.

I watched with the staff from behind the camera. That was until Jungkook made me sit next to him with the excuse 'You were there with us so you should share your experience too.' which it worked.

After that, we went to our rooms as went so bed.

"(Y/N)-ah I'm so glad I could experience something like this with you." Jungkook said as he back hugged me in our shred bed in the hotel.

I rested my hands on top of his and smiled.

"Me too hyung. You know....a year ago....if someone told me I would be going to the AMAs with my bias group, with my boyfriend, who was my bias, I would've told them they were crazy. But now I'd say you were right." I finished, bringing one of his hand to my lips, giving it a kiss.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too Kookie."


ANOTHER DOUBLE UPDATE IN THIS STORY?! Wow I'm on a roll! Anyway this is the last part of the chapter. I feel like I should end this story soon. I'm not sure yet so don't worry.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It was very fun. Have a good afternoon!!


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