Chapter 18

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Sorry for not updating for a few days.  Here is another chapter :)

Riley Mathers

My eyes open gradually in response to the light that creeps in through the window.  Dylan's arm is draped around me, his lips parted slightly as he breathtes steadily.  I slip off of the bed, but I now realize that I am completely naked.  I wonder what I did last night?  That question continues to repeat itself in my mind as I put on a t-shirt on and a pair of yoga pants.  I pad into the kitchen and decide I will make breakfast for Dylan, it is our first time filming since the accident.

I pour the pancake batter into the pan and a satifying sizzle rises from the bubbles.  The sweet smell instantly fills the kitchen.  I press the pancakes  down with a spatula, and I hear Dylan's feet make their way into the kitchen.  He wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses me on the cheek.

"G'morning," he mumbles sleepily and goes along making his coffee for the morning.

"Goodmorning.  Ready to film today?"  I smile and drop a few blueberries into the moist pancake batter.

"Yeah, I guess.  Do you feel okay today?"

"Um, yeah.  Why?"

"You were just a little feisty last night," he laughs and pokes me in the nose.  I slap his hand away playfully and slide a plate of pancakes in front of him.  I start to make my way to the bedroom to get dressed after cleaning up the mess.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Dylan questions.

"I'm not hungry."

"Ry, you need to eat.  You're hungover."  I decide he is right and pull up a chair next to him.  I cut into the pancakes, and not to brag, but they are delicious.

"Thanks for making breakfast babe." He grins and scrapes the remainder of breakfast off his plate.

"Sure.  We should get ready.  Come on, Dilly."  I start laughing again, remembering the "unique" nickname I had given him last night.

"Dilly?  Still?"  He chuckles and follows me into the bedroom. We shower together, taking our time.  After we finish, I dig through my closet and pull out a white tied-up tee shirt, blue skinny jeans, and sneaker wedges.  I feel confident in the outfit, like I can finally show off my body without being afraid.  I apply my makeup quickly and straighten my slightly-wavy hair.  After I finish, I stand in front of the mirror and gaze at my reflection.  I hear footsteps behind me and I see Dylan place his hands on my waist as he presses his body to mine from behind.  He presses his lips to my neck and works his way up.

"Mm..." I moan quietly as he moves his lips against my skin.

"Ready?" He pulls away gently, but not before planting a quick kiss on my nose.  He grabs my purse from the kitchen table and we leave the apartment. 

We reach the studio at about 9:40, a few minutes early.  Fluffy clouds drift in front of the distant morning sun.  It shines especially bright, summer is coming up fast.  I insert my keycard into the slot and the door opens slowly.  I walk inside and I am instantly welcomed by arms wrapped around me.

"Welcome back, Riley!" Holland smiles as we head over to the studio for final filming.  We are filming part of the finale today, I won't be seen until the end, but Jeff told me to show up for my script and the moral support or whatever.  I walk into studio 4 and sit in my assigned seat.  I remove my script from my bag and study it.  There isn't much on here, but it doesn't matter to me really.  Jeff has told me already that I will have way more screen time in season 4.

After about an hour or so of sitting in one of the director's offices, eating a salad, and studying my script, I hear the bell ring, which sends me for the door.  I walk through the halls and feel arms wrap themselves around me.  Dylan kisses me quickly and holds both of my hands.

"Hey, so, there's a party tonight at Tyler's...It's his birthday."

"Oh, yeah, I heard about that."

"Did you wanna go?"

"Eh, I'll pass.  But I'll be waiting when you get home..." I put on a michievous grin.

"Well, that sounds nice to me.  I'll text you when I'm on my way home, alright? You can take my car home. I love you."

"I love you."  Dylan runs off toward Tyler and follows him outside.  I smile, and head out to Dylan's car. I am exhausted for some reason, which is pretty strange considering the fact that I haven't had a sleepless night for a month.  I take my time to put in one of my favorite cd's before driving.  I hum along to Two Door Cinema Club as I cruise through the city.  I decide to pick up Chinese for Dylan and I on the way, hopefully he doesn't get home too late.

I pull back to the apartment and eat my portion of the meal that I had bought.  It feels strange eating alone; Dylan usually keeps me company.  I eat my meal slowly and shower.  The hot water melts away my stress as it hits my body.  I find myself getting very sleepy as I wrap a towel around my body.  I change into a t-shirt and shorts and curl up on the couch with a book and a blanket.  I hug my knees to my chest as I lay here alone, wondering what Dylan could be doing right now.

Dylan's P.O.V.

"You like that?" the bitch says as she straddles my lap.  There is a small voice that whispers in my mind, telling me that this is wrong and I need to stop, but the alcohol in my veins is dominant.  The stripper bends down and starts to kiss me, and I don't push her away.  An image of Riley flirting with that waiter, Jared I think his name was, popped into my head.  What the hell, I don't even care.  I'll let this whore do whatever she wants to me.

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