Chapter 31

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Songs for this chapter:

Gentle Folks - Hunter Hunted

This Is What It Sounds Like - Of Verona

Broken - S. Carey

It's been weeks, months even, that we've waited to hear news of my pregnancy.  We've had no luck.  Dylan and I have tried so many times, why isn't it working?  I became pregnant after having sex only twice, I just don't understand why.  Maybe it'll just take some time.

"Dylan!" I call through the house.  "I'm going to the store!"  No answer.  "Dylan, do you hear me?  Of course you didn't..." I mutter.  I walk briskly through the parking lot and hop into the car.  I tap my foot along to the song on the radio as I make my way through the city.  I walk towards the marketplace and grab a cart.  I walk towards the doors, but not before a hand clamps over my mouth and pulls me behind a wall.  I try to scream, but every sound that comes out of my mouth is muffled.

I am thrown to the ground and I slowly lift my head up.

"How the hell do you keep finding me?" Of course it's Sam again.  Isn't it always?

"I...Uh, I need some money."  My jaw drops at his words.

"Are you fucking serious?" I spit. "Why the holy hell would I give you money after everything you've done?"

"Look, I just got kicked out of my apartment.  I don't have a job, I've got nowhere to go, no money."

"How is that my problem?  Have you forgotten that you raped me?  Beat me?  Made my life a living hell?  And to get my attention, you pretend to kidnap me.  I can't give you money Sam.  Even if I wanted to."  I turn my back away and walk to my car.

"I'm sorry, okay?" 

"Where has that apology been all this time?  It's been hidden away, and you've waited and waited until you've pushed me to the breaking point.  You want me to forgive you, so you can hurt me again.  Not happening, Sam," I say through gritted teeth.  "Because I'm actually someone now.  I'm engaged to Dylan O'Brien, and for the first time, I'm actually happy. There really isn't anything I can do-" He stops me by grabbing my wrist and smashing his lips into mine.

*Sorry for the short chapter and the cliffie, haha.  I'll update soon!  I'm leaving Florida tomorrow (sniffle sniffle) but I'll be staying at a hotel before I get home two days from now, so I might be able to update, and if not then, when I get home.  Please vote and comment! 


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