Shu Sakamaki x First Blood Male Reader

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Scenario: Revenge

Since his boyfriend been acting gloomy, (M/N) thought that cooking his favorite food would cheer him up. However, he wasn't talented in cooking. In fact, he didn't know how to cook at all. But, isn't that why the internet was invented for? "How do you cook rare steak?" (M/N) mumbled, while typing his question into the Google search bar, as multiple cooking recipes and videos popped up in seconds. "Alright! Time to getting cooking I guess."

After he coated the frying pan with oil, (M/N) placed it onto the stove and followed with the next step. He cut into the steak and gently lowered it into the frying pan. He smiled at his accomplishment and started seasoning it with spices. "I feel like a chef already!" (M/N) said, while flipping the steak, as the front door opened. "You're finally home, babe! Look, I'm cooking your favorite thing!"

As his boyfriend walked into the kitchen, (M/N) blushed and posed with a giggle. He wanted Shu to look at his adorable apron. However, his boyfriend didn't seemed fazed at all. "Babe, is something wrong? You've been really distant lately," (M/N) asked, while hugging his tall boyfriend, as the blonde vampire simply sighed and tried to push him aside. "What the heck, Shu? Why are you acting like this, like a total douchebag?"

In a reluctant manner, (M/N) let go of his boyfriend. He didn't want to, though. He just wanted to hug away whatever was troubling his boyfriend. "I don't want to see you anymore, (M/N). I think we should break up," Shu said, while (M/N)'s (E/C) orbs widened in surprise, as his heartbeat jolted and adrenaline started pumping through his veins. "You're annoying and I'm in love with someone else."

In an instant, (M/N) started sobbing and slapped his boyfriend. He just didn't understand why. He thought he had been a good boyfriend to Shu. He loved and looked after the blonde like a good partner was supposed to. Why was Shu breaking up with him, then? "You'll regret doing this to me! I'll make sure of it!" (M/N) cried, while turning around and running away, as teardrops streamed down his cheeks and splattered against the floor. "No one just dumps me and gets away with it!"


After he finished plotting revenge, (M/N) had dressed up in a classy chic outfit and cornered Reiji outside of class. He had always known about Reiji's little crush. He just didn't act upon it until now. "So, I heard Shu and Yui are dating now. Is that true, (M/N)?" Reiji asked, while leaning against the wall with his crimson eyes staring down at (M/N), as the (H/C) haired boy nodded with an eye roll. "He really downgraded to her. I didn't think he could get any more unintelligent. But, he just did."

With a small chuckle, (M/N) mischievously grinned and looked Reiji over with his (E/C) orbs. He was really starting to like Reiji. He was plenty good with words and harbored a mutual dislike for Shu as well. "I wish you were never with him, (M/N). He doesn't know how to treat you right," Reiji confessed, while frowning and clenching his fists, as (M/N) placed a hand onto Reiji's chest and tried to calm him down. "He's a good for nothing bastard. He didn't deserve you."

In an instant, (M/N) flung the doors of the music room open and pulled Reiji inside. He knew that Shu always napped inside of the music room. It would be the perfect place for Shu to catch Reiji and him making out, then. "I was confused, darling. I wasn't in my right mind. I should have been really with you," (M/N) said, while pushing himself up onto the piano, as Reiji embraced him around the waist with his arms. "You know how to treat me right. You loved me from the beginning, after all."

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, (M/N) had been pushed down onto his back. He released a yelp and looked up at Reiji. He wasn't expecting to be handled roughly. But, he wasn't going to complain about it. "That's right. You should have chosen me," Reiji said, while smirking down at him, as (M/N) reached out and yanked Reiji in for a kiss by his tie. "You're now going to be punished for not picking me in the first place."


After a while, (M/N) and Reiji moved to the couch. They had feared that the piano would break underneath them. (M/N) didn't mind, however. He was going to decimate Shu's favorite sleeping place with Reiji, after all. "Go harder ..." (M/N) moaned, while pulling onto Reiji's dark locks, as the double doors to the music room opened. "No! Why now?"

In an instant, (M/N) had heard Shu growl in anger at the sight in front of him. He could care less about Shu right now, though. They weren't together, after all. So, it shouldn't matter to Shu if Reiji and him were making out with each other. "What the fuck?! Why are you screwing my brother?!" Shu cried out, while Reiji frowned and protectively embraced (M/N), as the (H/C) haired boy smiled and started to button his shirt up. "And, why are you screwing my ex, Reiji?"

With an eyeroll, (M/N) stood up and flicked Shu's forehead. "We're not together anymore. So, I can fuck whoever I want to, including your little brother. He's better than you, anyway," (M/N) said, while pulling up his jeans, as his ex-boyfriend frowned and glared down at the floor. "I told you were going to regret breaking up with me. Anyway, come on, Reiji. We can finish making music elsewhere."

As he stood in the threshold, (M/N) watched Reiji give Shu a possessive glare. "He's mine now, so don't try to get him back," Reiji threatened, while smugly grinning, as his older brother clenched his fists. "You heard him, too. I'm better than you, anyway."  

A/N: What do you think? Leave me your thoughts

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