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I live in Alaidia, a world of mystical creatures, full of Angels, Dragons, Sorcerers, Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Trolls, Dwarfs, Mermaids, Fairies, Elves, Giants, almost anything you could possibly imagine. The Angels rule our world, our reigning Angelic Queen Mary, they are the very highest species, because of their purity. It is extremely rare to find a rouge Angel. The Dragons of course follow the Angles, along with the Werewolves, because of their loyal and noble nature, but every creature has a dark side, and there own share of rouges.

We survive by the four classes. Royalty, Pack, Rogue, and Darkness. Though it all depends on your choices, and species. In a way, it's a caste system, that works better than others.

A Royal was the very top of our system, like the nobles or dignitaries of your world.  But your not just born into it.  You are given a test to see if you are a pure, and good creature.  Then, you are given a coronation to celebrate your entry into the Royal caste.  If a royal has a child, they will also be tested, and if they are not also as their parents, they will be placed elsewhere.  If deep down, they have evil planted within them, they will be exiled to the Darkness.  All Royal live in Alamire, the absolute center of everything, a place high on top of a mountain, in a shimmering Castle.  Its a place of peace, happiness, and harmony.  Most Royals are Angels or Elves.  Werewolves, and Dragons, along with other rare species are less commonly found there but it isn't considered unusual.

Pack, is where the Knights usually reside.

A Pack refers to all sorts of creatures and places. Pack animals are very righteous, and are known for being very Valiant. Mostly Werewolves stay in packs, due to their fiercely loyal and aggressive nature. Elves can also fit into Pack, but more often found among the Royalty. They dwell in large cities that surround Alamire, like a protective border, for there live the soldiers, the protectors.

Darkness is Evil. The creatures that dwell in the outer lands, that live to kill and hate everything besides themselves. Vampires and Demons rule the Darkness, on the opposite side of our world, a place called Valhala. The Vampire King Demian, enslaves the creatures of the darkness. Most trolls and evil dwarfs are his slaves, but he isn't afraid to use Dragons and Angels and convert them to dark, cruel, heartless beings.

A Rogue is what it sounds like. Rogue. They keep to themselves. Better known as the outcasts of both light and dark, and perfect recruits when you want to start a war, and even better assassins.  In the Hynterlands is rouge territory, and no one weak or powerless dare venture there unless harboring a death wish. Ruthless, and much closer to evil, mostly giants, sorcerer's gone bad, feral werewolves, greedy Dragons. But not all of it is evil. Some are outcasts from the darkness, creatures that don't have a thirst for blood and death, ones born into evil but wish to be good. Some try to make it through the Hynterlands into Pack lands, but the bog gets to them first.

But then there are the classless. Those who weren't born high enough or low enough.  We don't even consider them to be a caste in our system, they are just there, and accepted by all. Most Sorcerers start out classless, but eventually choose a side, but there are also those who wish to remain neutral, they stay out of the fights and to themselves. Dwarfs, mermaids, fairies, and sometimes, every thousand years or so, the rarest of all creatures, you may just come across, a human. Humans are so rare, it is considered a miracle if you actually find one.

Our world is at war, I'm sure you wouldn't call it war though, you would call it chaos, madness, but here, its war. The Vampire King demands the Angels bow to him, that he is superior in every way and must be worshiped as a God. That didn't go down well, especially with the Dragons and Werewolves who bow to no one but their Alphas or commanders, not such low-life's as King Demian.

In our world, no one bows. Not even the lowest Troll to the highest Angel. And our Queen loves us all to much to let King Demian enslave us all. So we went to war, and it seems like the Darkness is winning.

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