Chapter 6 : A Facade

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My head just cant take a break can it.

I feel like every time I do something to help one of my siblings I get hit in the head. Maybe I should just lay off my siblings for a while.

I moved my hand a little since it was falling asleep like the rest of me, but instead of dirt and grass with a chain around my ankle, I felt softness. I felt sheets, I felt every individual thread, I felt the softness of the pillow under my head, and the warmth that surrounded me.

It was again very bright as I tried to open my eyes, but it didn't help that I had a damp towel on my forehead when I tried to move. My body felt numb, and I personally was quite happy on this bed. I could still feel the outfit on me, but this time I noticed jewelry around my neck, arms, and I think earrings?

I heard a whisper from the other side of the tent. I immediately stiffened, I had thought I was alone. I tried to heighten my hearing, but I don't think I need to as they slowly began to talk louder. I automatically heard Hayden talking, but there was someone else, someone I didn't recognize.

"I'm sorry Hayden, you know I can't help you, it's the rules. You gave your word that this wouldn't happen when you joined up." The strange man spoke. He sounded old, wore out, rugged, like he had been through more wars than one.

"That was before, I thought she had died since I couldn't sense her wolf, how was I suppose to know she wouldn't actually be a wolf?!" Hayden's voice grew loud as he growled at what I assumed was his old friend.

"That doesn't matter, you gave your word, as a Alpha, to give that part of your life up until you are decommissioned." he scolded.

"I am not leaving her." Hayden snarled.

"I told you this a million times Hayden, we live a different life style, one without luxuries, including mates."

What? What could he mean mates? Who could possibly be his mate.

It all clicked. Lailah was his mate, thats why he took her in the first place, and when me and Seth interfered, we were recruited to keep us from getting reinforcements and taking his mate away from him. I actually was getting a little jealous Lailah had gotten to meet her mate already, and that her mate was Hayden. Thats why him and Seth were fighting. But if they are mates, and from what I just heard from that conversation, they cant be together. Lailah will be heartbroken. But there must be something I am missing. Why would he tie Lailah up that night, and why did he say I was beautiful? Was he trying to make her jealous? Lailah is a werewolf, she just hasn't transformed yet, she's only 15, still to young to have a mate, unlike Seth and Ezekiel who had passed the transformation age which is 18. Seth being 20 has had more time with his wolf, were as Ezekiel only turned 18 last month, it still hurts him to transform. Me being a phoenix, I got my powers at 12, being 17 now Ive had more time than any of them to perfect my skills. If I wasnt taken, I would be placed in six months, like Seth and Ezekiel have been. When you turn 18 you must be placed. I was hoping to get a position in Amira since I was a Phoenix. Whenever a creature turns 18, they must be evaluated and placed in a class. Usually you stayed in your same class, but sometimes if you were like me, you could improve your rank.

I groaned loudly when I tried to re-adjust myself and ended up only hurting myself more. In a moment I could feel someone sit on the bed beside me.

"Slow down," Hayden spoke softly to me as he helped lay me back down on the bed. I squinted my eyes and saw only blunt shapes. I felt his hand lingering on my waist.

"What..." I said trying to regain control, I sat up again only for Hayden to gently push me back down. "Why?" I asked finally making out the details of Hayden's face. He looked at me confused until I continued, "Why would you do that to her?"

He hesitated "I dont under-"

"How can you be so cruel to her? She doesn't even understand whats happening, she's too young." This time I was determined to sit up and stay up. He placed his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to push me back down again. "She's just a child, how can you be so cruel to your own mate?!" I finally let out.

Hayden stared at me shocked. "What?

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