Chapter 5 : How Strange

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I was now dressed in a Arabian girls outfit that revealed most of my stomach. The tight top I wore barely covered my breasts, and a floor length skirt with slits all the way up the sides to my hips. It showed most of everything. The fabric was dark red with many designs using gold fabrics and rhinestones. After the old women bathed and clothed me, they told me I was allowed to eat whatever I like, but when I wasn't eating I must remain seated on Hayden's bed, if you could even call it that. I continually tried making friends with the old hags but they seemed to be content ignoring my existence and simply telling me what to do.

I will however take some food, I don't remember the last time I ate something. I walked over to the food, so many different things, what do I choose. Well, might as well. I grabbed a large piece of meat. It looked like Braz, a special meat only provided to the royal werewolves and dragons. I took a large bite out of what was known as one of the most delicious meats in our world. It tasted so bad! I resisted the urge to spit it out immediately. A werewolf would never, ever spit out Braz, and if I was going to pass as a werewolf to Hayden and the others, I need to act and seem and smell like one, and that included eating this awful meat. I swallowed, trying to ignore the bitter taste. I put the Braz down and headed straight for a glass of water.

"Impressive," I froze mid gulp. "I did suspect you were not a werewolf, meaning you would find the taste of Braz repulsive, but you seemed to swallow it with relative ease."

I took the water glass from my lips and slowly turned my head towards the voice. Hayden stood by the entrance with his arms clasped behind his back, a lose white gentlemen's blouse that really only covered his arms and shoulders, with black pants and knee high black boots. I could see all the definitions of his chest and abdominal muscles.

"I was hoping to have caught something more rare, more," he paused, as if trying to find the right words, "valuable, than a mere werewolf," He seemed to look at me eagerly, his eyes roaming up and down my body, but he still kept a precise mindset ...

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"I was hoping to have caught something more rare, more," he paused, as if trying to find the right words, "valuable, than a mere werewolf," He seemed to look at me eagerly, his eyes roaming up and down my body, but he still kept a precise mindset and focus. I realized in turning to face him, I had exposed myself, he could examine almost every inch of my body. I felt the urge to cover myself, but there was noting around that could be used as a effective cover up.

I decided it best to stand tall and hold my ground, act confident. I became nervous, Hayden was moving towards me. "Well sorry to disappoint."

"Ohhh, feisty," Hayden teased, now directly in front of me. He caressed my cheek with his thumb, forcing me to look into his gorgeous green eyes. He seemed to be very calm, as he looked at me, "What are you?" he said in a soft voice. As I looked at him, I thought I saw a flash of adoration in his eyes, but whatever it was, he immediately recomposed himself and masked all his emotions. It was all tingly where his thumb was on my cheek, and if he wasn't my captor, I might actually be attracted to him. I was so caught up in my own thoughts, that I didn't really realized Hayden's hand had made its way to my waist. As soon as I started to move my head to confirm it, in one swift moment, pulled me to his chest. I looked back up at him, but he wasn't looking at me.

He had me pulled almost impossibly close against his chest, and put him in the perfect position to look down my cleavage. I felt even more violated than I had before, I tried to pull away, but his grip on me only tightened. My heart returned to its previous, nervous beating. His grip on me finally let up, but not for a reason I particularly like.

He shoved me onto his bed, and it was soft, but I didn't have time to admire the softness of his bed! If I wasn't careful, there are some other thing I'm sure Hayden has in mind for me and his bed. Before I could move away, Hayden was on top of me. His strong arms had grabbed onto my wrists and placed them above my head, shocks went down my arms and through my body. I tried to get free but as before his grip only tightened. As tears began to form in my eyes, I looked up into Hayden emerald eyes, and what I thought I saw surprised me. Grief, and heartache appeared in his eyes. He looked like he was going to regret this for the rest of his life.

He leaned closer to me, so close I thought he was going to kiss me, but then he moved to the side and whispered in my ear "I'm sorry,"

I didn't know how to respond, I just laid there, limp, and stared at him. Was he being genuine, or was he just playing with my mind?  I couldn't tell if this was my moment to make and escape or to stay and try to find a way out along with my siblings.  I didn't have time to decide when Hayden's lips crashed into mine, sending me into a wonderful frenzy.  I forgot immediately the world around me,  I forgot where was and who I was with. I forgot why and how I got to be here.  I forgot about my family and siblings.  It was only me and Hayden, and we were both stuck in this luxurious kiss.  I kissed back instantaneously, even with my mind yelling at me to stop, every other fiber in my body said yes.  To continue, to keep kissing Hayden and to never stop.  I kissed him eagerly and opened my lips to allow him entrance, but instead of surging in and exploring my mouth, he pulled away, leaving me hot and bothered.  He released my wrist and stood up. He stared hardly at me for a moment before storming out the door.  I wonder if he even realizes he just stole my first kiss. 

I sat myself up on my elbows and stared at the door. What could he have meant?  I was getting so many different signals from Hayden.  My guess was he certainly wasn't sorry for capturing me, he hadn't caused me any mental damage, or so far physical damage. The only thing remaining was emotional damage, and I still wasn't sure about my own emotions towards Hayden myself.

After a few moment of contemplating what Hayden had meant, I decided to see if I could sneak out of this tent. I stood up and walked quietly over to the entrance of the tent. I peaked out, and too my surprise, there were no guards. I stepped out into the fading light of day, and took a much better look around. The sky was an orange red color as the sun set behind the pine trees that lined all four sides of the camp. I was looking up and spotted a single Pegasus roaming the sky. Pegasus were part of the Cloud Kingdom, you rarely saw them in these parts, that is if we are where I think we are, but they remain abundant around Alamire.

I refocused my attention back on the land. I started to walk forward, and more and more eyes shifted to my exposed body. I felt now very self conscious and severely wanted to cover myself. I continued on my way forward, staring back at them, seeing lust in all of their eyes. I wanted to run and hide.

My head snapped forward when I heard an awful sound, a sound of cracking bones. I felt my feet speed forward on their own accord, and I found them throwing me straight into the middle of the fight. My feet finally stopped and only left me to stare. Seth had got out. He was free, and he was trying to punch Hayden. I felt my heart strings being pulled in two different directions, and I don't even know why! It was obvious Seth was the one hurt, due to the limp he now had. But this time Hayden didn't have his usual calm, he was pissed, and so was Seth. Seth was desperately trying to land a punch on him, but failed continuously, only to be punched back effectively by Hayden. They were both growling and snarling, and it had to end, now.

"STOP!" I yelled jumping right into the very middle of the fight. Hayden was immediately focused only on me, but Seth was to blinded by rage, he hit me on the back of my head, sending me keeling down to my knees in pain. A loud growl was heard and Hayden's focus had once again left my exposed body.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!!!" Hayden shouted getting up in Seth's face. I only caught a glimpse of it as everything began to be a bit more foggy, and I knew Seth was on the ground with me.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me and gently pick me up. Things became indistinguishable, but I remembered the sparks, and I knew I was in Hayden's arms. For some reason I finally felt safe, and snuggled closer into his chest. I listened to the steady beat of his heart, and it lulled me to sleep. As things became dark, and I was about to pass out, Hayden leaned down. I felt his hot breath on my ear as he whispered,


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