Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

"We have to launch our attack. We've put it off for far too long. The Titans are starting to suspect us and my men have managed to kill the spies they sent in, but the last one was way too close to home. It's now or never."

The room was filled with a grim silence after Seth's report. It'd been five days since I was in Recharge, and I was still on the woozy side every so often, but I had regained enough of my powers to activate my night vision and enough to create rivers of fire. I could already see Lucifer beginning some sort of argument in my defense, but I stood up, making him glare at me in warning, but I ignored him.

"Seth's right," I informed, then paused to grimace, "Oh, ew, that tastes like shit on my tongue." Nyx laughed and Nemesis snickered. Seth glared at me menacingly, probably seconds away from splitting my skull open on the table in front of all these gods, but said gods were what kept him from charging me. That and the fact that, you know, war and stuff.

"We've managed to create fifty suits of armor, goggles, and the masks. We can send in fifty people to infiltrate the palace bases. We can start with regaining Hell back since, geographically, it's closer. We can set up a perimeter to prevent anyone from escaping the palace and fleeing to warn Cronus of the assault. We can take down all of Rhea's men and even her. I actually ask that you leave the cuthroat bitch to me. After all, I did make your fun toys." I pointed out. The gods murmured amongst themselves and Hermes stood up, cocking his hip and leaning on the table, casting me a grim stare before nodding.

"I was already told my Zeus that Hades is to be the one to bring down Rhea. But Cronus is off-limits. There's this whole vendetta since, you know, Zeus was technically the one that beat his ass into Tartarus. Unless you have something to say about that, Hades." He said flatly. I stared at him.

"Normally, I would, but fine. Whatever. Let Zeus get his ass kicked. I couldn't care less. I'll just be waiting on the other side of the river, waving as Zeus gets his ass whooped." I informed. Hermes grimaced, reaching up to scratch the side of his head.

"I'm starting to get this whole Hate Hades fanclub."

"I don't do autographs, runt, sit down and let he adults talk." I informed sternly. Hermes rolled his eyes and plopped back down in his seat. Seth rolled his eyes and turned to me, giving me a nod.

"Fine. Have at her. But we still need a solid plan. Nyx, please tell me you've come up with something that isn't bathed in stupid and doesn't require us to change our genders." He said, turning to Nyx, who sat beside me. She stood up with a wicked smirk that made Seth twitch. Nyx waved her hands over the table and pulled up two very large 3D models of Lucifer's palace, and mine. She shrunk mine and shoved it aside for our second plan, pulling Lucifer's model to the center. She touched an opening in the roof on the highest floor and three entrances near the bottom, one of which being the not-so-fun entrance Raven and I had used to escape the palace during our short time of captivity.

"These were all the non-main entrances I found find," She admitted, casting a sideways stare at Lucifer to show she was impressed, "You're one paranoid SOB, Lucy. I commend you on it. However, it's made things a little bit difficult for us. These entrances, while not main entrances, are probably noticable to anyone searching for them. Since Hades's made two escapes from the palace, Julius and his men have most likely swarmed the area and set up guards at the entrances. We'll send in teams of four to each entrance to infiltrate. Two people will be on stand by and take over the position of the guards after disposing of their bodies. Meanwhile, each team of four will head inside."

She ran her finger along the model to indicate our paths from the entrances down small corridors before she clicked zoom in on the first entrance.

"There's a vent here that should be big enough to admit the group. It leads deep into the ventilation system of the home. I need you to plant explosives along the way. Make them major explosives. Explosives that could, unfortunately for you, Lucifer, completely knock the building into the sea." She explained. Lucifer frowned.

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