Musical Notes // John Tavares

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Supposed to be a full length fic buuuuuuuuut I ain't got time for that and no one reads these anyway.

It all started with a note.

I slid into my seat just as the second bell rang. There was a note left on the top right corner with my name on it.

I have a secret for you.

I looked around to see the T.A. smiling at me. I scribbled back and casually tossed the paper back to him.

What is this secret?

I saw him write something down but I didn't get the note back until the end of class. I don't think I ended up reading it until lunch, as my next two periods were Spanish and study hall, which I spent in the band room practicing. My friends usually had to drag me out to eat lunch.

"You need a life outside of music." I sat down and pulled out my lunch as my best friend, Brittany, went off about how I didn't get out much.

"Last time I checked, music is most likely going to get me a scholarship so I can go to college and get out of this place." I took a bite of my sandwich. Turkey, mustard, and ranch. Just like always. Some celery, one of her amazing brownies, and a water. My mom was pretty predictable when it came to packing lunches.

"Leen, I need two dollars." I could feel my brother's bright green eyes staring into the back of my head. I grabbed a five from my back pocket and held it over my shoulder. "Leave me alone."

"This fell out of your pocket." Sunny held up the crinkled wad of paper.

"Oh. Awesome." I mumbled, taking another bite of my sandwich. I opened it up to see his handwriting at the bottom of the page.

It wouldn't be a secret if I told you.

Yeah, okay asshole.

I honestly had no idea who this kid was until the beginning of this year. I guess he's the captain of the hockey team. His name is John and a lot of girls talk about how they've slept with him. Lying, of course. Or at least I think they are. I mean, he's the center of the rumor mill at our high school.

"Who's that from?" Rachel tried to read what had been written, but I wrinkled it back up and tossed it in my open backback.

"Don't worry about it." I told her with a mouthful of food. I looked around to see if John was in the cafeteria. I wasn't going to write back, probably just throw the paper at him and walk away.

I grabbed all my belongings and went to history. My teacher droned on about one of the wars that I really didn't care about. When hasn't the US been in a war?

I saw John standing outside the room, smiling. I wasn't sure why he was by my classroom, or why he was smiling. I thought the seniors were supposed to be in a presentation.

"Mrs. Sullivan, would you like to join us?" My eyes snapped back to my teacher.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry." I started writing down the notes and answering questions when called on. I only had a few more hours until I was able to go back to the practice room and not be interrupted.

My life was dedicated to music and school. I didn't have much time for a social life. I hung out with friends on Friday nights but never went to parties with them. It just wasn't my scene.

Being with people in general, wasn't my scene.

"Aileen, are you listening to me?" My mom asked.

"What? Sorry, I got distracted." I shook the idea of John out of my head and stabbed a few pieces of lettuce left in my bowl before going to the main dish.

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