One Mississippi // Olli Maatta

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Full length fic turned into short story yo. For maattamartin

Life with Olli wasn't easy. Dating an attractive guy wasn't easy, but dating an attractive guy that was also a professional hockey player was even worse.

I tried not to let the stares bother me. It wasn't that big of a deal, honestly. College was my priority. I put my papers over going to games. My clubs were more important than being a part of anything that the "better halves" do.

I was going to make a name of myself. I'd be known as someone other than that "average" girl that Olli Maatta is dating. I was going to be a sports journalist and maybe even live in New York one day.

But then my entire life changed in a matter of seconds.

I saw the headlights out of the windshield. They were heading straight towards us. The only thing I could think of was, "I have an exam tomorrow that I'm going to miss". Then I started screaming.

I didn't care about my boyfriend next to me. I didn't care about the dumbass that would hit us head on. My 4.0 was going to be screwed and I would most likely be seriously mangled up. As would Olli.

This was a possibly career ending crash for him and all I cared about was my grades. The grades that could easily be saved.

I wish this was like that musical episode of Grey's Anatomy when Arizona asked Calli to marry her and they get in a wreck, but it's not. It wasn't. Olli didn't ask me to marry him and I wasn't carrying his child.

The impact was the worst part. I think it knocked me out because I don't remember anything besides some firefighters and EMT's yelling at me, trying to keep me awake. I'm guessing there was significant blood loss or whatever.

Then I heard his voice.

"Katie. Where's Katie?"

"We're working on getting her out."

"Tell him I love him." My voice was hoarse and well, guessing by the coppery taste in my mouth I had been coughing up blood. "I have an exam tomorrow I can't miss."

Obviously, my priorities had been sorted out. Kind of.

I woke up in some intense pain. My parents were there. They were the last people I expected to see. The room was filled with black roses. If you didn't know me, you would think that's pretty morbid. But I'm guessing my friend had something to do with this.

"You were in a wreck." My mother told me.

"Obviously. I missed my exam."

"Try again sweetie."


"He's not doing so great, sweetie."

My heart sank. What was going to happen?

I met Olli, and the rest of the young Penguins, while I was working. They would always joke around with me and eventually started coming in during my shifts.

They were all really sweet and left tips that were my saving grace some days. But the quiet blonde boy never said a word unless it was to order.

Then one day I was really not wanting to be anywhere but in bed with a bottle of rum. The guys caught up on it and tried cheering me up.

"What if you give Olli your number and he texts you?" Bortuzzo laughed.

"Is this some rookie initiation or something?" I asked. Then I saw the Finn's bright red cheeks. He tried so hard to hide them, but was not successful.

"I'll make sure he texts you but I don't think he'll need any influencing because it's always his idea to come here."

That cute shy act he has? It's all just an act. He's not what you see at first glance and that really threw me for a loop.

But ever since that day, I've been with him. Through the many surgeries and cancer and even the Olympics where I met his family. And he beat the United States.

But now. I can't be there for him. How could you?

It was two months before they actually let me see Olli. He was still pretty beat up, as was I.

He studied my face. Which probably didn't look exactly the same. Or at least it wouldn't until the swelling from my cheek bone went down.

"Are you a fan?"

Tears filled my eyes. "Yeah. I guess you can say that." My boyfriend started talking about how he couldn't wait to get back to hockey. That he could get me tickets if I wanted them.

I looked at the nurse with pleading eyes. She understood and said that was enough talking for the day. Apparently he still hasn't gotten his memory back.

I had one decent week before I went into a catatonic state. Which lasted until about two weeks ago. I don't remember what I threw at my mother, but that was the turning point. Which was probably good because I was tired of the feeding tube.

"Do you need anything?" The nurse asked as I became increasingly hysterical.

"Please, just leave." If I was going to be a blubbering idiot over some hockey player, I was going to do it in peace.

I was left alone until my best friend walked in with food from my favorite restaurant.

"Here's a sandwich named after your favorite hockey players. I know they aren't Olli. But."

"That's okay. Olli thinks I'm just a fan."

"You are his number one fan on and off the ice so if that means he has to re-meet you and fall in love with you that's fine." I wasn't sure where Christine got her new found optimism but I wasn't feeling it.

"Or I can go back to being an average college kid. Who lost her valedictorian status."

Chris started picking at her cheese fries. With the way she wasn't eating and her facial expressions, I knew there was a lecture coming.

But she would have to wait as there were five gorgeous women walking in with roses for me.

"Management wanted to send them by carrier but that is no way to bring flowers to a girl in the hospital." Kayla told me.

Sorry we took away your valentine. We hope this makes up for it.

Well, my valentine was taken from me months ago and I don't know why I was being sent these. "Thank you. I really appreciate you bringing me these."

"She's fill of shit. Don't listen to her."

Everyone looked at me with a mixture of confused and concern on their face. "I kinda isolated myself with school and work and never really became a part of your group. And now Olli doesn't remember me so I'm not really part of the Penguins."

"Oh sweetie. We all know college comes first but you're still welcome." To be honest, I really wish Mo and Chris would adopt me.

So after what happened earlier, I'm glad that I was still welcome with the girls. Something told me that I would be needing them soon.

After almost a year of physical therapy and being there for someone I was deeply in love with, but didn't love me back, I was emotionally drained. It was exhausting but I didn't want to leave him.

It wasn't going to have an effect on Olli. I would be suffering. But I guess that was for the best.

"Olli I'm moving back home to Buffalo. I just wanted to say goodbye." I turned to walk away before I cried but he grabbed my hand.

"But Katie." He looked like he was going to cry. "My only memories are watching you study. You love chrysanthemums, but only if they're purple. Our first kiss was horrible. I'm sorry it's taken this long."

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