Chapter 6

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Hey guys! Sorry for not posting a chapter for sooo long....(plz dun be mad ;-;) I didn't realise it until my friend vallxtjy basically yelled at me to post one. So here is another chapter....yay! :) Anyway, let's move on to the story!
--------------------------------------------------------------The week was going on fine; to me I didn't like that, not one bit. I keep on thinking Uncles going to jump out of no where and steal Soul. Soul always tells me I'm being paranoid, by using his phone and to relax until this weekend.

"Maka everything going to be ok, trust me, our plan is shore to work!"

"Yeah Maka, Tsubaki right, I never seen you so worried before."

I looked at my friends as they walked next to me down the hallway. I was just scared that someone's going to get hurt and Uncle Dave going to run away, then the fight will happen again maybe about another five years later. I told them more about my uncle and to not trust anything he says that will let their guard down. Kid told me that he asking his father about Uncle Dave, Black Star said he will do the jail, which I think is a bad thing because I know he only picked it so he can go fight some guys. That idiot! Soul's been in a mood. He hates not being able to talk and I feel bad not being able to help him.

I saw Soul, Black Star and Kid at the end of the hallway, they where at Soul's locker waiting for us. Patty and Chrona were coming up the other way. I smiled to Soul as he returned it, walking up I gave him a hug. Liz and Tsubaki did the same with their boyfriends, its funny how it happen on the same day, less than an hour apart, got to thank Liz for that, if the whole kiss thing didn't happen. For Patty and Chrona I have no idea what's going on with them, I asked Liz but she only shrugged. Maybe Chrona's not ready? I don't know.

"Soul, can we go out to eat today?" It's Thursday, tomorrows Friday. The weekend came faster than I thought; again I do not like that! Soul looked down on me because well he is taller and nodded his head. I smiled at him, I wanted food and I hate how Papa and his little friends eat is all. You would think he would become better after Sunday's event but nope, same old Papa. Soul played with my hair as we listen to Kid and Black Star fight about random things, something about how schools boring and Kid saying that it gives him knowledge which Black Star lacks. Soul let me go and got between Black Star and Kid, he glared at them both which made them shut up.

As we all walked together down the hallway and out the doors, I held Soul's hand, skipping happily next to him, he just rolled his eyes at me but smiled. "Do you guys want to come?" I asked the group thinking it would be rude for not letting them join. Tsubaki smiled and quickly slammed a hand over Black Star's mouth, "Thank you Maka but were going to pass, I think you guys should go on your first date together before this weekend." I smiled at her, "Thank you Tsubaki, Bye Guys see you tomorrow, come on Soul."

Soul and I walked down the stairs to his motorcycle; he picked me up and sat me on the back seat. Soul was putting his bag in the pocket things he had on the side of the motorcycle then, "Man I hungry," Soul said. My eyes widen, he just talked! "SOUL YOUR TALKING!" he looked at me confused, "What?" he said then he got a knowing face, "Oh I am talking, then that means…."

"Hello Soul, Hello Maka." Uncle said walking closer to us. Soul stood in front of me glaring at the man before us. "Oh Soul stop being so protective, I want to see my niece." "No! I don't want you getting any closer to us." Soul spat, Uncle just laughed, "Will this make you move?" Uncle said pulling out a gun. Soul flinched but didn't move. I started to shake from fear; Soul was willing to take a bullet for me. No I'm not going to let him die!

I slipped off the motorcycle, both not seen from each man. I looked at Uncle he was to busy having a glaring contest with Soul, that gun had bullets in it, I had to think fast. I looked down on the ground and found a rock, Perfect! Not really but it will do. I threw it at Uncle's head, the guards quickly jumped me but I moved out of the way. I then jumped over the bike, pulling out a book and throwing it at them. I kicked Uncle in his manhood which made him drop his gun, then looked at Soul, "Soul, start the bike now, we got to run!" Soul did as told with a smirk on his face.

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