Three // Marlene's Funeral

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Remus was the last one to say his goodbyes to Marlene before the graveyard workers started to bury her casket. Everyone cleared out of the site to give him some space to say some personal last words. He thought he had cried every last tear out of his body in the three days. Why did it have to be her? He would've taken her place. Remus questioned everything in the world, which seemed to be more against him than anyone else these days.

His brown hair was slicked against his forehead from the rain trickling down. His green eyes were so bloodshot, it almost looked like the full moon was approaching. The frown on his face seemed permanent. 

If only she lived one more evening, Remus would have been with her, and maybe he could've protected her. At least they could've shared one last amazing memory.

So, just as Remus rehearsed in his mirror nearly a thousand times, he got down on one knee by her casket in the ground and began to recite.

"Marlene Maria McKinnon, you are the most amazing blessing that has ever walked into my life. You never judged me or treated me differently, and you make me feel as if everything is going to be okay. Your smile can light up a room and it's certainly changed my life. You've taught me how to love myself again, and more importantly, how to love another person without fearing they will leave me. I never imagined I'd find someone who I could see a future with, but with you, I'm certain. I want to spend an eternity with you."

Remus reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring he'd bought nearly a month ago. The tears appeared once again, and he could barely force out his next words through the sniffling and his tightening throat.

"I love you to the moon and back, Marlene McKinnon, will you marry me?"

With those words, Remus dropped the ring into the grave. It hit the casket with a soft ping and landed square in the middle, right on top of some yellow roses. Remus liked to think it landed right over her heart.

Shakily, Remus stood up from the muddy ground. He dried his tears the best he could and closed his eyes, his heart heavy. He gave her casket one last glance and trekked towards the group of his mourning friends, leaving the secret of his surprise proposal at her grave under the willow.

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