This.. This is my family

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Eleanor's P.O.V

"DAD!" I yelled and he walked around the corner with a 'are you seriously yelling for me' look. I closed the front door once Cora was in and smiled. "Cora's here." I took off my shoes and flopped down on the couch next to Cora. "Oh really? I didn't know that at all." He said with sarcasm. "Maybe your blind." I was playing off his sarcasm. He rolled his eyes as Cora and I laughed. He sat next to me and I turned and flopped my head in his lap. "Do I look like a pillow?" He asked trying to keep at serious face. "Actually yes. Quite comfy if I do say so myself." I laughed. He smiled at me and I was pushed off the couch. But not by him, but by Cora. "Ouch." I said rubbing my head. "I am not a foot rest." I sat up. My dad helped a little. After he stopped laughing of course. "Duly noted." I stood up and ran to my room.

"You can't just ditch me out there." I turned and smiled at Cora. "You can't just push me off the couch." I crossed my arms. "Touché." She smiled. "Oh, your dad went to Derek's." I gasped with fake shock. "On his own free will?" Cora laughed an so did I.

After a while Cora and I went back to Derek's. But of course we have to have a dramatic entrance. Fake argument here we come. "Your a stupid she wolf bitch." I yelled fakly. "And your a freak." She fired back. It took everything we had not to laughed. "Calm down." Derek said confused. "I honestly don't know why we even talk, your nothing but annoying." I replied going further into Derek's loft. "Ditto. But what's worse is your an attention whore." Everyone looked at us in shock and.. worry? "Oh yeah. If I'm an attention whore then what are you? Oh wait I know." I put a finger to my chin and then dropped it. "A two timing slut!" I yelled. "Girls. Shut up!" My dad yelled. "She started it." We both said then pointed at each other. I crossed my arms and huffed. "Now. Why are you fighting?" Once that answer was asked we both about died laughing. Cora and I. We got got weird looks. "You guys.. are.. so freakin gullible." I laughed out. Derek and my dad rolled there eyes. "Unbelievable." Derek muttered. "I thought with everything that's happened. They'd stop doing that." Derek said to my father. "Wait. they've done this before?" Isaac asked. "They are the same age. They did it before when they were younger. Only more innocent words were used." My dad said. Stressing the word innocent. "Hey." I said when I stopped laughing and pulled myself of the floor. "We're family. What else to you expect from Cora and I?" "She's got a point." My dad said. "I don't know if that's a compliment or not, but I'm taking it as one." I smiled at him. Derek rolled his eyes and then started talking about other stuff(Alpha pack).
Yup.. This.. This is my family.

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