Together Till The End

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Ever since I thought back to losing my family, I couldn't stop dreaming about it. Always the same. I lost them all. One night it got a little to bad. I was at my dads and I was at first, peacefully sleeping but then, I dreamt I list them all. I felt there pain as the fire swallowed them alive. Burning their skin, making it fall off. I couldn't help them. They begged me to make it stop, but I couldn't. That's when they started blaming me for all of their pain. Blaming me that they were dying.

I woke up screaming. My dad running to my room frantically asking 'what's wrong.' I looked into his eyes. "Promise you'll never leave me." Tears slowly gliding down my face. He cupped my face, looking into my eyes. "I'll never leave you sweetheart. I promise." I hugged him tightly, never wanted to let him go. But I did, letting him go back to his room, assuring multiple times that I was fine. That promise allowed me to sleep perfectly, knowing my dad never wants to lose me, just as much as I don't want to lose him.

The next morning I drove to Derek's. I needed to ask him if he blamed me. If he thought it was my fault most of our family died.

"Derek?" I called into his loft. "Yeah El?" He asked walking towards me. "I have to ask you something. And I need the truth. I don't want you to lie because you don't want me hurt." He nodded, confusion written on his face.  "Do you blame me?" "What?" He asked, his eyebrows knitted together. "Do you blame me for the fire that night. Do you think I could've saved you and more of our family?" He grabbed my shoulders looking into my eyes. "You want the truth El, I'll give it to you. I don't blame you. Never have never will. No one does. Why? Because we all know it wasn't your fault. We are happy you weren't in there. You were safe. You are safe. That's all we ever wanted." I smiled sadly. " I feel it. I feel the pain everyone experienced. I fall asleep and all I see is everyone I have ever loved dying around me, blaming me." I cried. "I could feel every inch of pain. Every thought they had. I heard every cry for help. But I couldn't. I was frozen in place. I wanted desperately to save you guys." I cried harder. He hugged me tight. "We're okay El. We're safe, and most of all. We're together." He pulled away, smiling. "Always?" I questioned. "Always." He promised, and kissed my forehead.

"Eleanor. Be safe." My father yelled from the porch. "I will!" I yelled. Derek and I running towards the lake near by. Derek and I raced each other laughing. I was 5 and he was 10. We swam in the cold lake. After a while I wanted to get out but my foot was stuck. The worst part was. I was stuck under water. I gasped allowing water to enter my lungs. My vision became blurred. But I saw someone swimming towards me. Next thing I know I'm pulled up onto the ground. "El. Come on El." Derek yelled. "Derek?" I grasped harshly before coughing. "Ellie." He smiled. "Never ever leave me. Okay?" He asked. " I smiled weakly, sitting up. "Okie Der." He hugged me tightly. "Together till the end Ellie." He whispered. I pulled away and looked up at him. "Always?" I asked. He smiled. "Always."

"Together till the end Der." I whispered with a smile. "Always." He whispered. "Always." I smiled.

Thank you all for your amazing support! I love that you guys are asking for updates. I do try and get them as soon as I can, but lately, I've been lacking internet, and WiFi. SOOOO.. I love you all, and comment what you think. Also, message me a suggestion I should put in the book, I love opinions and support. You guys are amazing. LOVE YOU ALL!!

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