part 6

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*Next day*

The teacher enters the room. we go to our sits.

"Class, I know it's late but let me introduce you, your new classmate" teacher said

"......Hello, I'm Alex, nice to meet you" Alex said

"A-Alex! What are you doing here?" I say *shock*

"So Horo you know her that's great....okay Alex, take your sit... there a vacant chair behind Horo" teacher said

"Yes, Sensei I know her" I say

I sit down; Alex sit behind me and the teacher start with the lesson.

*ding dong*

I and Angel stand up and going to the club but Alex grab my hand.

"Can we eat lunch only the two of us, Horo? Also there something I want to tell you" Alex said

"Alright, Angel go to club without me and don't wait for me you can have lunch there" I say

".........Horo, tell me who is she and why we can eat lunch together?" Angel said

"This nothing to do with you, who are you?" Alex said

"What did you say, I'm her childhood friend and her best friend.... I know her since where were kids and who are you to her" Angel said

"I'm her best friend and I know something that you don't, Horo is...." Alex said

".......Okay, stop it already and please Angel can you just let the two of us have some time alone.... Please" I say

".....Fine but you own me some strawberry sundae" Angel said

We go to the roof and eat there, Alex look so down I tap her head.

"I'm sorry Horo, I mess up that I almost blow your secret and mine" Alex said

"It's fine, so don't worry about it anymore, I'm not mad at all... I stop you just in time right, anyway you really surprise me that you are here and enter my school.... Why" I say

"......I just want to be always together with you and protect you that why" Alex said

"What's with you and Silver? You two suddenly act this, what is going on? Tell me" I say

Alex refuses to tell me and keep quite so I didn't force her to talk.

Angel P.O.V

Horo is keeping something from me and what is the connection of Alex and Horo. I want to know, how they know each other. Horo is always go home from school, I know she spent some day in the dojo or doing her home works or come to my house to play and we go shopping. I have to find out about this.

Horo P.O.V *home*

I got home with Alex and we go to my room, Silver is sleeping. I told James that keeps everyone to get near my room, I lock the door and I hit the desk that make Silver woke up and Alex startle.

"Alright, Silver start talking.... I know you and Alex were hiding something from me, now spit it out" I say

"Were not hiding anything from you, Horo" Alex said *avoid eyes contact*

"Yeah, Alex is just thinking too much" Silver said

"......Come on guys, we know each other for many years....Alex, your eyes avoiding when you not telling the true and Silver, you voice were shaky when you lie.... Tell me what your hiding from me is" I say

Alex got silence and Silver sign, he began to talk.

"There's a legendary Blue Knight with a Blue Phoenix, the Blue Phoenix is the one that chose a knight to save the holy land but that knight died for saving the world of holy land. The Knight uses all his power to save the world but it's not enough so he give all his life force too. Blue Phoenix is a prophet." Silver said

"It's nothing to do with me" I say

"Horo, it has to do with you....You had a dream about a Blue Phoenix remember, if your dream wasn't interrupt by Silver.... You will hear what she said..... Horo, the Phoenix chose you to be the blue knight" Alex said *sob*

I couldn't believe it, why did she choose me. I fly though the window.

Alex P.O.V

"Horo, wait" I say

"Stop, don't chase after her... you know her, she need sometime alone and thinking to do.... She will accept it" Silver said

Angel P.O.V

I was buying ingredients for curry; I was walk home when I see a lightning and two flying things toward it. I got curious so I run toward it. I got there, I saw Alex with a tiger beside her. They standing there and looking at a hole and I was shock when I saw Horo on the ground she full of wounds. We hear a laugh from the sky and we saw a guy with eagle on his right shoulder.

Alex P.O.V

"Hahaha...... I am going to finish you, before you woke up the Blue Phoenix.... We will destroy the holy land and rebuild our kingdom" Guy said

"We won't allow you to harm Horo anymore then this" I say

Our classmates know about Horo's secret and they talking, Horo stand up and want to fight him but she is badly injured, she collapse Angel and I run to help her then before we got to her she start to glow and lift up to the air.

"I won't allow you to destroy any world, Holy Land and my world I will stop you" Horo said

She summon, the blue phoenix and they become one. It didn't happen in the legend. I and Silver were surprise by it; they stop him and his solders from destroying holy land and her world. Everyone was safe, but something happening to her body.

Horo P.O.V

Alex cried, she doesn't like it but there nothing to help it. My body is slowly vanishing like what happen to the last blue knight then Silver appeared trying to stop it but there's nothing that he can do to stop it.

"No! Horo don't leave" Alex said *crying*

"Alex, I don't want this either but there's nothing I can't do because this a fate....Alex don't cry, I want to remember your smile" I say

Alex P.O.V

I smile and Horo smile then disappeared and the only thing left a silver necklace that . Everyone start crying, I pick up the silver necklace with blue star pendant and wear it. Silver, look at me. We fly back to Horo's house to tell her parents everything. They really upset and lonely to know Horo's death and they couldn't believe that she dead. Horo still in our heart we will always remember her forever.

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