Before hand information

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Okay, first thing first. The characters I'm making are ALL girls (sorry guys) and they are all friends with Yuzuki.

Second thing, they all come from the orphanage.

Third thing, they are nothing like other girls. What I mean with that is that they know how to fight and use weapons. (sorry if you don't like that, but I hate it when a character is someone who can't do shit to protect themselves).

And last thing is that they look like and have almost the same personality as SNB boys, maybe a few changes but not much, so I'm not going to write their personalities, kay?

Btw, I have no fricking idea how old the SNB boys are so I'm making the girls ages around Yuzuki's, kay? Kay. The girls are also a head shorter than the boy they are paired with.

One last thing... I wonder if you guys can figure out who the girls are paired with. This is just a fun little thing for me XP don't worry it's really simple and just ignore it if you don't wanna guess.

Well then, let me introduce them to you guys!

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