(I), Part 1

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Ran's eyes flew open and sat op straight, which wasn't a good idea. Ran collided heads first with the person that woke her.

''ITAI!" The two cried out in pain.

Ran whimpers, holding her forehead and looks up at the person she collided with.

''Ah! Katsu-chan! Gomen!'' Ran apologized, looking at her friend guiltily. When she did a double take.

Katsumi waved her apology off ''No prob. It was my fault for looming over you, anyways.''

Nagi snickers at Katsumi's misfortune ''Serves you right~''

Katsumi gained a thick mark. They were about to quarrel, when Mitsuki stopped them.

''Stop it. We need to figure out where we are.'' Mitsuki scolds them, before smiling gently at Ran helping her stand ''Good to see you awake, Ran-chan.''

Ran continues to stare at them. The three older girls looked at each other confused, before looking back at Ran. ''What's wrong Ran-chan?'' Nagi asked.

Ran still stares at them, while pointing at her ears.

The three held confused faces, before their eyes widen in realization. ''Ahhh. Well, about that... When we woke up, for some reason we had elf ears.'' Mitsuki informed the young girl.

''Our hearing and smell also became a lot better than we already had.'' Nagi adds, pointing at her elf ears and nose.

''Don't forget we have canines, too.'' Katsumi finished, letting Ran see her now point teeth.

Ran looked at them amazed, before feeling her own ears and teeth ''There a bit pointier that our normal ears...''

''First we're sucked into a black like hole, than we wake up in a forest and to finish it off we have elf ears. This is getting weirder and weirder...'' Katsumi mumbles. Nagi and Ran nodding in agreement. Mitsuki thought it was all really interesting.

Suddenly their ears twitched and they snapped their heads towards a rustling bush. They waited for the thing to come out, when they smelt something familiar.

''It smells like petunia. Doesn't Noriko smell like petunia?'' Mitsuki comments. The others nod in agreement, but they didn't lower their guards. (All the girls will smell like flowers, just so you know.)

After a few seconds Noriko came out of the bush.

''Noriko!/Nori-chan!'' The girls shouted in relieve, when they saw their friend save and sound.

Noriko gave them a small smile, before her face return to its normal expression ''Sorry for leaving you guys. I just had to investigate something.''

''Did you find anything?'' Nagi asks, curious.

''And judging from the way you look at as, you already figured out you also have elf ears and canines, don't you.'' Katsumi points out.

Noriko nods her head ''Yeah, I already knew when I woke up in this place. As for finding anything, we defiantly aren't in Japan anymore.''

''What do you mean?'' Ran asks, confused.

''The forest is too healthy. No forest in our country, in every country really, can be as healthy and green as this one. I mean look at them, they look really good like their isn't any climate changes. And when I climbed up a tree, I could see trees for miles and miles away, with no city or village in sight. It's clear that we aren't in Japan anymore or any other country, but I can't be for sure.'' Noriko informs them.

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