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There were days, in your life, when you were too lazy to do pretty much anything.

That day, for example.

You were dozing off on the couch, a good book in your hand and a blanket wrapped all around your body in the late morning of that early December.

Nami, Usopp and Sanji were at work, while Zoro was sleeping in his room. You loved your flatmates, but sometimes it was nice to have the house all for yourself.

Except you promised you'd do the laundry. And it was getting late.

A resigned sigh left your mouth as you closed the book. Tolkien would have to wait a little bit.

It was difficult to find the strength to stand up, but you eventually dragged the laundry bag to the door.

With a grimace, you glanced at your figure reflected in the mirror.

Overalls, no make-up, messy hair randomly bunned up.

I kinda look like Gollum. Yeah, and Tolkien had a bad influence on you.

But you were so lazy. Besides, the laundry room was just at the ground floor. Although you had to drop by at the Sabaody to ask Shakky for some milk.

C'mon, it's 11 am, no one will be around!

Given your (un)luck, of course you should have known better.

You slid down the hall, the heavy bag between your arms. The elevator had been broken for a couple of days, so you had to go down the stairs from the third floor.

The destination was not too far when you heard the click of the lock from a familiar door and speeded up your pace.

Not him, shit, not him! Why on earth isn't he at work?!

As always, your clumsiness hit at the right time, so you stumbled across the hall, landing on the floor with your face in the dirty laundry. Hopefully not in Usopp's pants, but you lacked the courage to check.

«Hey, you okay-yoi?»

That "yoi" hurt more than your knee, which thumped hard against the floor.

You jerked up, blushing for the pain and the embarrassment.

«I'm fine!» you blurted, collecting the laundry scattered all around you. You were so busy not looking up to him that you missed the stretched hand he was offering and jumped to your feet again.

«Thanks for your concern! I'll, huh, see you around.»

Perhaps he was going to say something but you didn't hang around to check and dashed down the stairs.

When the door of the laundry room was closed behind you, you let out a deep breath, leaning against it.


It obviously had to be your crush spotting you in one of your worst moments.

«Why am I so freakin clumsy...» you groaned to yourself, shoving the clothes inside the washing machine.

As soon as you were done, you strongly debated within your mind whether dropping by the Sabaody or running back to your place, hoping no one would see you this time.

That would have been the best option, but...

You sighed.

Zoro always had an aboundant breakfast, drinking almost a bottle of milk every day, and you had none in the fridge.

One Piece x reader - Christmas specialWhere stories live. Discover now