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I was with my friend one day just hanging out and we were just having one of those thinking moments and I ended up thinking about shipping which led me to all of the gay ships that I ship which led me to just thinking about sexualities and LGBTQ+ and my own sexuality so I was thinking about how I had always felt out of place in that way so I was thinking of all the sexualities I could and which one I could be and I am still discovering if it's bisexual or pansexual and so I decided to come out to a couple close friends of mine one of which I have known even before I was in knidergarten (that is actually true by the way) and of course they had went on to except me so I thought I could come out to most of the people I knew (bad decision) because there were these two kids (I'll call them L and J) who were just the most religious people you wil EVER meet and word eventually got around to them so they started harassing me and asking practially everybody I knew why they didn't puke every time they saw me and eventually I got so mad at them that I punched J in the jaw and actually knocked out two of his teeth, fractured his jaw and broke three of my fingers and since my principal of the time is rational they gave me three weeks of detention but did let me explain myself and I got only got two weeks of detention after I told her so that is how I got two weeks detention for coming out as bisexual -_-Ok also a tiny little coming out story (oh and I am in highschool just so this all makes sense) one of my friends we'll call him M was walking home to school with me today and he held up his hand like he was holding a microphone and in a news reporter imitation coice he said "Some people have accused you of being bisexual what do you think of this?" as a joke and I just said in a kermit the frog voice "All the rumors are true." AND JUST FUCKING BOLTED

Edit: The person that submitted wanted me to add that M isn't homophobic.

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