broken hearted

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         That one word braught the fear back into my heart. Jude and i jumped up. Both of us ran to the house to see the worst sight ever. Wolves were fighting left and right. But most of all bodies of rouges were everywhere. Fear for my pack begain to spread through me. I ran and shifted into my wolf and quickly attacked the closet rouge to me. Wolf after wolf i took down as fast as i possiably could.

         I turned around to see Judes huge black wolf attacking the alpha rouge. I watched in amazement of his moves. For a while i just sat and stared. I turned around when i heard a pained howl from a pack mate. The wolf looked to be my brothers. A dark red wolk was biting my brothers neck hard. I ran and jumped on the wolfs back taking it down with me. The wolf and i circled each other. The wolf attacked me first biting down on my left leg. I yelped and kicked the wolf with my paw. I jumped on his back and bite down on his neck I kept ahold of his neck till i heard it snap.

       I looked for Jude and just couldnt see him. It had to be the worst feeling one could have. The vision showed someone dieing who could break me and Jude deffinitly could. {RAV, JUDES IN TROUBLE }.Bellas voice rang through my head. I quickly took off trying to find his scent. Finally i found him in a grove. The alpha was biting his neck. I ran and jumped on the alphas back i bit his neck. I felt absolute rage. When your wolf see its mate in trouble your wolf will take down the threat. I held on till his neck snaped and he fell limp. I kicked his body off of jude.

      Jude shifted back to his human form and i had to hold in a scream. Judes neck was bleeding bad. Jude smiled up at me and braught his hand to my cheek after i shifted."I will always" Jude had trouble speaking as he caughed up some blood. I knelt by his side i could feel everyone surrounding us as i cried i layed my head on his chest as he played with my hair. "You cant leave me, i love you so much. Were sapossed to get married and have a family. Please dont leave me." I looked up at him. He smiled as he pulled me down to kiss him. Through that one kiss i felt all his love, passion, and i knew it was our last kiss."Baby, you will always be the one person i love..bbbut dnt give up on love after i go..Just remember me and what we had" He kissed my forhead. Some of my tears driped onto his face."Forever youll always be in my heart, your my mate forever. I will always hold you in my heart."I whispered as i saw his eyes slowly shut. I felt his heart beat stop.

     I felt my soul break in half and I knew he was gone. I let out a heartbreaking sob. My whole body begain to shake as my body racked with sobes and tears.I felt arms wrap around me and truly i didnt care who it was i buried my head in there chest and cried."Shhh, SHHH, rav were all here for you itll be okay"Bella whispered in my hair."You dont know what it feels like to lose ur soul mate bells" I whispered as i took deep breaths. I had to bestrong for my pack. I stood up and whiped my tears. I saw my pack plus Judes." My name is Raven Issabella Crane i am Alpha of the Blackthorn pack, and mate of Jude alpha of the midnight pack. If none of you thaught i was a great alpha you should now because i lost my mate yet i am strong enough to stand here and talk to you. From this day forward i would like to know if the midnight would want to join my pack and accept me as you alpha" My voice rang loud and clear through the grove. One by one each person raised there hand. One of the younge girls ran up to me she was only like 8."My daddy is the beta he said that we all would love to join you and for you to be our alpha. Jude only talked about how amazing you were. If he loved you and trusted you then we do to. Thank you alpha for bein here for us." She told me.  I looked down at my engagement ring and smiled. I looked up to the sky and whispered"Forever yours till death do us part. Love you soulmate." Im brokenhearted for now but not for long.

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