pain,love,gosh whats wrong with my life

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                     I woke up in the morning and sighed. Today my mark would dissapear.I looked down at my ring on my necklace and kissed it."Forever and a day" I whispered. I got up and walked to my bathroom. My neck was really red around the mark and sensative to the touch.Even though i knew i was gonna lose one of the last thing Jude gave me i just couldnt keep my mind away from last nights events.

                    I walked downstairs and down to the lake.I sat down on the blanket that Jude and i sat on the day of the attack. No one would touch it because they were afraid i would be upset.I stared up at the sky,in 5 minutes I would finish the seperation process.My pack stood protectivly around me. I had told them what was going on and they all insisted on being there for me.

                     All of a sudden a terriable pain went through my whole body. I screamed at the tops of my lungs. I didnt know so much pain you went through during a seperation. I felt my dad hold onto me wrapping me tightly in a hug. It comforted me to have my daddy there to help me again.I cried into his shoulder as i felt my arm and shoulder on fire."" I warned him i knew something was about to change and i didnt know if it would hurt him. He backed away as a bright whight light surrounded me. I felt undeniable peace run through my body also i felt myself changing. I also felt the presence of my new powers. Finally it all ended, everyone was completely silent. I looked in the water and gasped. My hair was now to my waist and blonde with dark black streaks through it. My eyes were almost a clear blues. My lips were reder and my chest was bigger,my body was more curvy then ever before.I looked at my waist and smiled as i traced my newest tattoo from the moon spirits and alianna. It was a red rose with horns and a sword going through it.Around it were small stars that swirled from my left hip to right under my left breast.It was a sign of royalty and the sword and stars ment that i was gifted by alianna herself so i was super important.

                       I tried to stand up but i stumbled into someones awaiting arms.I looed up to see jeb. He smiled at me as i stood up.I looked at everyone and begain explaining what the godess told me last night.Niki came up to me slowly, it was some kind of rule to like never run to a royal unless you have permision."You can come here dear ,all of you dont need to treat me much differently".Niki smiled as she tackled me to the ground."You wont be sad anymore right"I kissed her cheek as i stood up carrying here on my hip. I nodded my head yes and she smiled as she begain to play with my hair.


                                           2 HOURS LATER

                    Bella and i sat at the kitchen table with wedding stuff. I wan incharge of the bridesmaid dresses and mine plus i had to plan the whole wedding. Bella thought it would be cool to make me the wedding planner.Bella sat there looking at wedding dresses as i sat there looking like a girl from that teenage mom show when there all super tired looking. I was in black shorts a tanktop fluffy slippers my hair was in a messy bun and i kept yawning every 20 minutes.

                   "Hey bells,is everything up to me or do you have things you prefer." I looked up from my nootbook to see her smile at me."I only care that you use orange and yellows. Oh and the wedding has to be done by next month." She smiled as she quickly ran away.I started cursing under my breath. She knew i would be mad,how in the world do i plan a wedding in one month.I took a deep breath and started with choosing the flowers for the setting. I chose yellow,orange,white roses for the bridesmaids.The bride will have orange,yellow,white alstroemeria flowers. And i would have white alstroemeria flowers and orange calla lillys. So needless to say i wasnt good with flowers but hey.I decided the back yard for the wedding and the reception in our ball room. I decided to have the bridesmaids wear these dresses that had a heart shape top theat was a orange with beading then it flowed out to a puff right at their knees it turned yellow and orange.I would wear a floor length orange dress with a heart top the dress had red and yellow beading at the bottom that made it look like it was on fire. The cake will be white with orange yellow and white roses with a blown glass heart at the top.I sighed i got all the plans done in one day. Before i knew it people were in the kitchen. I looked around and yawned.Bella came down and gasped when she saw me."What are you doing up?"she asked. I groaned and gave her my planner and all the pictures of what the wedding will look like."Congrats your wedding is now planned. Now i am going to get ready for school see you in an hour."I told her.

                    I heard everybody mumble wows and how she do thats.I walked into my shower and let the water wake me up. I got out a blow dried my hair. It naturaly curled. I pulled on my black and white dress. It was a white ruffle shirt that ended and my breast and turned black to mid thigh.It had a red belt right under my bust. I quickly put make up on and pulled on my black stiletoes. I walked down stairs to see everyone already left. Today was my graduation with jay,bella,jake,riley,and lilly.I smiled as i got in my car and quickly drove there. I got out of the car and had the satisfaction of hearing everyone gasp.I walked inside the building and pulled on my cap and gown. I sat down since i was alpha i went first.As i walked across the stage i felt a comforting feeling enter.I looked around but couldnt find where it came from.I sat dowwn and took off my cap and gown off. After everyone went i stood up and went back to the stage to do a speech."Hellow everyone we all know that this school is all werewofs and if they have a human mate there mate goes here to. Here at blackthorne highschool i can be pround to say that I am Alpha. Im proud of everyone of our graaduates. Believe me i know how hard it was to get here because i got here with you.Through all our troubles and everything this year i can say we all have developed into better people. Thank you teachers for dealing with us and helping us make it through some of our hardest years. So i Alpha Raven Crane officially declare you all highschool graduates."I yelled the last part as we all screamed.

                          I laughed as i walked back to my seat. The teachers told us to stay seated because a special guest. I sighed and sat down. All of a sudden a wonderful scent hit me. It smelt like chocalate and a minty earthy scent. I looked all over the room to find it. I stood up right when one of the hottest guys i have ever seen walked on stage. He had dark brown shaggy hair with hazel eyes,he was tall,tan, and buffy. He was hott. Then he got up on stage and.................................

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