truth revealed

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              As the school day went on my stomach got worse. I decided to leave scool and get checked out. As i sat on the examinaton table i thaught about what could be wrong the worse i could think of was being pregnant but if i was Jude should have know a week after it happened.The pack doctor finally came in. Once he me he bowed with his hand over his heart. It was a show of respect to alphas."Alpha what seems to be the problem today?"He asked. I smiled and patted my stomach"I dont really know whats wrong ive been pucking and my stomach has been hurting alot lately" The doctor frowned as he pulled up a baby moniter. He lifted up my shirt and moved the wand over my stomach nothing came up and he sighed."Well it doesnt seem that your pregnant, umm alpha how long ago did Alpha Jude pass away" He asked softly. Everyone knew Jude was a touchy subject for me. I smiled at the doctor"About 1 month, well tomorrow it will be a month why."The doctor patted my back as he started to touch my neck and look at it. He finally sighed and looked at me again."My dear it seems you have reached the finally seperation stage. You see when you complete the mating process the only way to break the bond is if one half dies. In this case jude passed away. The month after the death is what we call the seperation stage. During that month you and your wolf get over the lost of a mate, then your body begins to reject his mark so you become sick as your whole spirit fights to remove his mark. On the last night you will experience horriable pain, but when it is over your mark will be gone and you can fall in love again." The doctor told me. I didnt know how i feeled about losing my mark. I thanked the doctor as he left. I walked over to the mirror and sighed. I ran my hand over my mark. It was a bright orange ,black,and green. It had a blue heart in the middle as all the colors swirled around it to the hallow of my neck.

          I walked outside and sat in the grass. I hadnt realized how late it was. I stared up at the stary sky and sighed. For some reason i felt the need to be out here. All of a sudden a mist appeared in front of me but it didnt scare me it actually felt natural. The mist formed a woman who looked exactly like me except her hair was longer."Hellow my dear, my how strong and beautiful.'' The woman said as she sat by me. I looked up at her and gasped I knew who she was. She was our main godess. She was the one we prayed to as her family were the moon spirits."Why are you here Aliana" She smiled."My dear i know you are worried about what has been going on in your life. Raven i have chosen you for amazing things. You my dear are the next queen of the werewolfs. The royal family will soon come to visit your pack.My love the prince will be your mate-"I quickly cut her off"Alianna hows that possiable ive been spoiled wont he regret his mate not being pure." She smiled."As i was saying he will be your mate, i have already spoken to him and his family they know to come here because his mate is here, he dosnt know who it is he only know that her first mate died and that you completed it. He doesnt care that your spoiled he knows i have a reason for you and is proud to help you.Raven you have not fully gotten your powers. After you lose your mark you will go through a dramatic change. You will recieve the power to call and use all the elemants also you will be able to calm any fight that happens with just one word."She saaid as she played with my hair."I know your scared but i will always be here,you just have to fall asleep and i will be there if you need me. Never doubt your value and i promise you i wont allow you to lose this mate."Before i knew it she was gone.

       I got up and walked to my bedroom and layed down. That night i fell asleep with the thaughts of my new mate and the things that were revealed to me.

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