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Brennan Carrington was in his office, sipping his coffee while going through the files on his desk. This new case was going to kill him. How could a sixteen year old girl just kill her father without a motive? There had to be a reason. He tossed a glance at the clock, eyes almost popping out of their sockets. 1:30 a.m. He ran his hand through his sandy blonde hair sighing deeply.

'I gotta get home. I can't think anymore.'

He picked up his stuff, put the files into a locked cabinet and closed up for the night. He was the last peson at the law firm. He slowly walked across the empty parking lot, relishing the feeling of the night air. Reaching his truck, he threw down his stuff and tore down the road anxious to get home.

Twenty minutes later, he pulled into his driveway. Grabbing his things, he hopped out and made his way to the door. Upon letting himself in, he called out to his wife.

"Kylie, babe!"

No answer.

'Strange. Maybe she's asleep.'

He felt his way around to the front closet removing his jacket. Brennan had had too much coffee and he decided to stay downstairs and watch a little tv. Once more feeling his way around he made his way to the couch. Sitting down, he felt something warm and a tinge sticky. Startled, he stood. He walked over to where the light switch was. He flicked it on and turned around. He nearly puked at what he saw. He swallowed and reached for his phone. . .

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