55 Word Stories

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The Torture Chamber

When you step inside you can feel it. The air clenches around you and you feel as if the air is being knocked out of you. You can barely think. He walks back and forth between the rows looking, observing. An hour fifteen minutes later, you've finished the math test.  


It had been long. It had been hard. Exactly six hours and seventeen minutes. You had tried to get out of the hole. You were trapped. Your financial advisor tried to help but you kept spending. You were stuck. It was over. That was the last time you played Monopoly.

On the Road Again

We were in the car minding our own business, when we saw it. It was on the road in a pool of blood. It just lay there while we stared at it. We were coming closer now. Dead, on the road, a turkey. Then it came, "So, barbeque turkey anyone?"

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