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Blood is everywhere, dripping from the ceiling

Down the walls, and to the floor.

Bodies are scattered like children's toys all along the ground

A gun lies in the arms of a young man

His skull punctured with a bullet,

a scared child huddles under the table hugging a scruffy old teddy bear in her arms

A family portrait on the wall is askew and splattered with blood

On the carpet are paper plates filled with food,

Cups with different types of soda

A selection of movies lie on the couch beside a remote and small brochure with

Details about a daycare program.

The telephone is off the hook and someone's hand is still holding

onto a cup in a death-like grip. Sirens are wailing and a crowd blocks the street

A brown-haired, blue-eyed firefighter tries to coax the child to come outside but

She doesn't move.

His name is called and reluctantly he turns away. The house is ablaze with flames.

The crew gets to work. The flames are bright and

beautiful finding glory in the unhappy moment.

The firefighter suddenly turns around and runs into the house remembering someone

he left inside.

His name is called again but this time

He doesn't turn around. His mission is the little girl in the house.

The flames, as the hours pass, subside and eventually completely die out.

Some venture in to see if they can find anything let. And they do. The bodies wrapped in white tarp

Are brought out. One firefighter wiping tears from his eyes calls the other men in.

Inside they see something that they have never seen before.

The body of a brown-haired and blue-eyed firefighter shielding the small frame of a little girl.

The little girl opens her eyes and

Tears stream down her chubby cheeks when she says,

"Daddy called this a massacre."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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