Hi again... This one is for you guys!

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This announcement is going to be short enough to entertain. So make sure to read the whole thing!

 DO IT FOR THE VINE! I'm kidding, be safe :P

But before we get into the nitty gritty of it, I just wanted to start off by saying. Thank you so much for reading my story. Writing is my absolute favorite thing to do, and the fact that now it’s getting published is an absolute dream come true. We all love reading books (I LOVE reading). But because of you guys reading this book, something really special has happened. So THANK YOU.

The book is currently viewable on Goodreads (basically the worlds biggest book catalogue) so go check it out, write a review for it, rate it, add it to your bookshelves and recommend it to any friends you have on goodreads. (SPREAD THE INFORMATION VIRUS, SPREAD IT NOW!)

The cover will soon be change to the officially voted cover (after the cover poll of course. Which will start a few days from now). Did I mention you guys get to choose the covers for me? Oh ... not yet? well you are... And becuase you're all awesome the majority of you love Theo James and Ian Somerhalder; I practically trust you all with my life ;)

Here's the link URL: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22079615-the-assistant

If the book starts to get big on Goodreads before it’s even published, then you guys can point it out to all of your friends and family. And laugh because you’ve already read the book! (Get your evil laugh ready and mastered, MWAHAHA)

Also like me on facebook, add me on goodreads and follow me on twitter for more updates or silly jokes to keep you entertained until the book is launched. So go check it out right now. 

FB - http://facebook.com/authorellebrace

Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8199925.Elle_Brace

Twitter - Chocolateluvaax

There is a lot involved in publishing a book (I love it!). But I don't want to bog you down with every little piece of progress. But you guys are the reason why this dream has come true, and so you guys are going to get updates at all the major milestones leading up to the big launch of the book in the next few weeks!

That’s right, in the next few of weeks! :O

As porky pig would say “THATS ALL FOLKS!” *Queue Looney Tunes music*. I’ll talk to you soon. And have an AWESOME DAY! And don’t forget to check out the book on goodreads. ;)

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