XXII: Last Dance

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The play was a resounding success and even received a standing ovation. Jasper was surprised to see Alice sitting among the crowd – but everyone else was more surprised at seeing Principal Gunther Price attending the Middle School play for the first time. As the actors and actresses took their final bow, Jasper stared at Alice, who sat beside the Principal in the front row seats. He remembered Gunther from his visit to him at the hospital back in SilverValley. Two Keepers sat on either side of them, wearing dark sunglasses. He thought it was odd; since they were inside the Middle School main hall. He kept eyeing one of the men who seemed to be inconspicuously sneering at him, when a sudden realization hit him.

The man from the Principal Student Headquarters.

His head shot up as he thought this, but his co-actors were already pushing behind him. They needed to go backstage and change back into their school uniforms. Jasper hurried to the men’s dressing room and hastily put on his shirt and pants and shoes. He didn’t bother with the tie and the jacket. Memories of that night flooded him and an unexplained anger surged inside him.

“Did you see him?!”

“Yeah, I did! Who would’ve thought?”

“Maybe he likes Schneewittchen, that’s why he attended this year’s play…”

“Our Principal isn’t nine years old, you know…”

Actors soon filled the room, chatting and undressing. Jasper hastily went out, carrying his jacket and tie in one hand. He wanted to see Alice, maybe talk to her even. It’s been a long two weeks and it had been killing him. Although Mikael, Marko and Ilse started attending classes a week ago, Alice hasn’t been seen anywhere – until tonight. It frightened him for some reason.

Did they erase her memory? Could she still remember me?

He bumped into a few people who were still cleaning up the stage but didn’t stop to chat. Jasper dashed towards the crowd, searching for Alice. He spotted her and the Principal, talking to a bunch of teachers near the doorway. But as he ran towards them, someone yanked him away and gave him a fierce hug.

“You were so divine! I can’t believe it! Was this really your first play?”

His group of friends surrounded him, giving him congratulatory pats on the back.

“Uh. Barbara, I only had a few lines…” Jasper continuously looked behind him, making sure Alice was still there.

“Who cares?! You were brilliant! Your German was flawless! I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend!”

“Barbara, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m not - ”

And then she was kissing him. He heard hoots and whistles from the crowd, while several other students cheered around them. Jasper turned to look at Alice – and found her watching him. He felt his pulse race.

Alice, no!

“Guys, I need to go -” he started to leave but Kat grabbed his arm.

“Wait! Where are you going? There’s an after-party, remember?”

“Kat, I need to go. I’ll see you guys later, okay?”

Jasper glanced at the doorway – but Alice and the Principal were gone. He ran outside, searching the mass of students and teachers still loitering outside the Middle School building, but there was no sign of them. He jogged round the back, hoping to catch them, but he was suddenly knocked hard against the stone wall. Angry hands held him by his collar, pinning him.

“Stay. Away. From. Her” Mikael growled.

Jasper locked eyes with him, his anger equal to his. He grabbed Mikael’s hands as he struggled to get free.

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