Uni- Chapter 5

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Alexus' P.O.V

I turn to look at Darcie, She's asleep with a book still laid open on her lap, typically. The flight landed in 45 minutes, I put in my ear buds and laid back.

Darcie's P.O.V

I'm not really sleeping. I'm thinking, I miss Dad, Am I ready for Uni? Will Archor like me?? Ugh, the butterflies are driving me crazy, heck I doubt they're butterflies, more like a whole zoo! I'm going to live with a very attractive guy and I look like this!!! I have my hair in my sloppy pony and my waves looking actually decent, my bangs to the side. I was wearing a huge sweatshirt from my highschool and sweats. I do agree I looked more decent than normal. The flight attendant tells us we have 10 minutes till landing. Better prepare myself. I actually wore make up. Light tan eye shadow, some eyeliner on the corners of my eyes, and mascara. My huge black rimmed glasses tie off the nerd look perfectly. I felt pretty today, hopefully everyone else will think so too. Is Alexus sleeping??

Alexus' P.O.V

The flight is almost over, we're about to land. I'm ready for this. I look around the plane, so many young people, probably all going to some sort of Uni. I shake Darcie, Her eyes fly open. I mumbled that the plane was landing and she stretched and started gathering her things. I waited till the plane finally came to a stop. We exited as normally and went through the bag line and security. Then we waited.

Ethan's P.O.V

Where is Archor ? Of course he's late, I hope the girls aren't waiting long. I found out last night while texting Darcie that it's her twin also coming along her twin dyed her hair at the moment. I try not to freak out but hell, I know Alexus isn't one for patience, Thanks to Alexus, Darcie and I started talking. She sounds nice, maybe I'll actually get to hang with her, we could study together since it sounds like her studies are her life. Another minute goes by, still no sign of Archor. I might as well walk. I start heading down the parking lot when I hear a honk

-30 minutes early- Archor's P.O.V

SHIT! I forgot about Ethan, Oh well I'm already here. I'm holding a sign with Darcie's name on it, hopefully that'll give the blonde a hint. As they approach me I'm kind of blown away. Darcie looks hot, like a hot nerd, a little chubby but hot. Not my type though and I'm guessing that's Alexus. Damn, in her high wasted black spandex skinny jeans and graphic crop top, they have similar faces, only thing that gives it away who is who is their hair, maybe they did that on purpose, I can tell that they have different personalities right when they approach me. Alexus walked up with confidence while as Darcie kind of stood back a little. I can see right through Alexus. She's nervous too, just better at hiding it. She hides a lot. I can tell that for a fact.

-Present Time-Ethan's P.O.V

The hell! It's Archor and the girls. He got them without me! I had everything planned, a greeting and dinner and blew it all up in my face. They're gorgeous, I meant  they're different from girls around here. I'm going to have a hell of a lot of fun it seems with Alexus, Although it may not seem like it, I do like to fuck a girl every once in awhile, guys feel lonely too. I don't Know whether to get mad or to be happy that Archor was responsible. I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text even though I was in his back seat. Did you blow me off or something? Since he was driving he didn't read it yet. The girls introduce themselves to me and right then Alexus' stomach made the most unearthly noise ever.

"I guess I'm hungry" She said while giggling, Darcie seconded that statement so Archor and I decided to swing by Nandos for some take out . The girls ate like they hadn't eaten in years.

"Mmmmhh... This is SO good"Alexus stated as though she was having an orgasm.

"Aye sis, it sounds like you're having a food orgasm, keep your thoughts to yourself" Said darcie cockly

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