Does He Like Me Back?

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Me and Suho had gotten really close these days. I always went to his office on my breaks and he never minds. We always gossiped and had a few laughs. His laugh always managed to cheer me up.

I had finally planned to ask Suho on a date. We've known each other for enough. It's basically feels like we've known each other for years. I didn't know if he would say yes, but I hoped that he would give me a chance. So, today I am going to ask out the love of my life.

I went to Suho's office like I usually did. He always managed to make time for me and cleaned up his papers to make room. He gave me all his attention which I loved. I wished that I could have his attention everyday. I suddenly noticed my yandere tendencies.

I entered and was welcomed with Suho's angelic smile. I already knew that I was gay, but he made me even more gay.

"Hey Lay", he said while resting on his elbows.

"I wanted to ask you something, Suho?"

"What is it?"


"You look really cute when you're nervous," he said with a light chuckle.

His comment got me really off guard and made me turn really red. I sat down and played with my hands.

I took a deep breath and said, "I was just wondering if youwantagotomyho."

"Can you possibly s1low down, please."

"I asked if you wanted to go to my house this weekend?"

"Oh, sure. It sounds fun!"

I was secretly having a victory party in my head. I couldn't believe that he actually said yes. I was so glad he was willing to give us a shot.

"So, I'll see you tommorow." I took some steps away toward the door.



"You do know that I don't even have your adress or phone?"

"I'm sorry!"

We shared a good laugh at my forgetfullness. I would do anything to make him laugh.

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